seven : awake

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seven : awake

Isaac Lahey was tired of waiting for Stiles

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Isaac Lahey was tired of waiting for Stiles.

They needed to leave and Stiles was the only one unaccounted for. He might regret it later, but he handed the keys over to Peter and let him take over driving.

The Lahey boy ran into the hospital, and the first thing he saw was his alpha laying on the ground unconscious. He immediately went to his side and started to slap him, trying to wake him up. When he finally tried to punch him, Derek awoke and caught his fist.

"Where's Jennifer?" He asked when he saw no sign of her.

"Gone," They heard from behind them. Stiles was holding an unconscious Grace who was bleeding through her entire shirt and jeans. Her hair was even soaked in it.

"What happened to her?" Isaac asked the boy as he took the injured girl from him. Stiles was holding her bridal style but started to struggle after five flights of stairs. Isaac looped an arm under her knee and one across her shoulder blades.

No matter how much of a tough guy act Isaac puts on, he was almost starting to develop a soft spot for the girl in his arms. She wasn't with them all the time, but when she was it was a special occasion, or at least, that's how it felt.

He liked having her around, and now she was covered in blood and her pulse was weak and almost dead.

"Deucalion," Stiles answered, the blood of his friend soaking his shirt and covering his hands. "And to top it all off, Scott went with him afterward. Jennifer took his mom and he thinks that Deucalion is the only one who can help him save them."

Derek groaned as Stiles laid out the rest of the plan. He would stay there to stall the police, and Isaac and Derek would take her to Deaton, seeing as all the other doctors in town were gone, and even if they weren't, the vet had the best odds of helping her.

Derek dropped Isaac off at Deaton's and went to meet up with the others.

He pulled up to only see the Argents and Colbie, Peter seemed to be long gone.

"Where's Scott, Stiles, and Isaac?" Allison yelled out to Derek.

"Stiles is still at the hospital. He's gonna hold off the cops for us," Derek yelled back to them. "We have to go right now."

"What about Scott, Isaac, and Melissa?" Chris asked him.

"And Grace?" Colbie asked hopefully.

"Jennifer took Melissa," Derek said, getting Colbie from the Argent's car and transferring her to his own.

"What about Scott?" Allison asked again. "Derek, where's Scott?"

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