Part 001

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Robin - 13
Finney - 13
<<btw in this story robin has an older sister>>
|Robin's pov|

I was sleeping and dreaming about stuff until my alarm woke me up and I had to get up. "¡¡¡Robin!!! ¡Lentate, cabeza perezosa!" My uncle said "¡Vale, tío!" I said I was getting up; I was shirtless. I put on my dark grey paisley bandana around my forehead, I put on a belt, and I put on my original shirt and pants. I was walking on the sidewalk to school when I spotted Finn and his little sister Gwen. God, Finn was adorable and handsome. Wait, I'm not gay; I don't like guys?! I?

<in class>

still Robin's pov
I kept thinking about Finney; he always had an adorable smile, but I knew he didn't like me. He had a crush on a girl named Donna. Vance was in front of me and passed me a note.
Dude, are you still thinking about Finney?!
- Vance"
I blushed.. I wrote and gave him the note back. "Maybe... Robin," "just tell him how you feel about him, You dickhead!! -Vance"
"Your right, I should... -Robin"

|Finney's pov|
I was in science class, sitting right next to my science partner, Donna. We were doing a project for science class. "So finn! I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house today!" Donna said, I got Nervous.
Oh, um, sure! What time?" I said Curiosity.
"5:30!" She said. "Okay!" I said.
<<After class>>

|Robin's pov|
At lunch, me and Finn were eating and talking. "Oh robin! I forgot to say something! Donna wanted me to go to her house today!" Finn said. My jealousy level rises. "Oh, What time?" I was a little jealous. "5:30! I'm so nervous!" He said he was looking nervous. "Oh, That's cool." I said I was a little sad. "Can I come over to your house to get ready?" He said it with that adorable smile. Sure, why not?" I said.

<<at Robin's house>>

|Robin's pov|
I get Finn ready so he can go to Donna's house. "Oh my! I'll tell you what happens!" Finn said that and ran out of my room. I waved goodbye and still looked sad. I ran to my bed and cried into my pillow. My older sister, Trixie, knocks on the door. "Robin Qu té pasa?" She said she was walking and sat on my bed. I hugged her tight. "Fifinend diissok pwowkw," I said, not making any sense. Heh, Robin, you're going to have to speak normally," she said, chuckling. "Donna told Finney to hang out at her house." I said, Crying." "It's okay, Robin, it's okay." She said this while hugging me. Hey, how about we go out and get something from the grab-and-go?" She said that, smiling at me. "Sniff," I said, my eyes welling up with tears.
<<3rd person pov>>

Trixie and Robin go to the grab-and-go to get snacks and drinks. They enjoy hanging out with each other and watching the stars. When they arrived home, Trixie had to go out with her boyfriend, Brandon. She soon left.

|Robin's pov|
I was on my bed watching TikTok on my phone until I heard a knock on my front door. I walked over and opened the door, and I saw Finney. He looked upset and sad. Finney, what happened? Are you okay?" I said it, sounding worried. He hugged me tight, and I got butterflies in my stomach when he hugged me. "Donna has a boyfriend," he said, sad. I felt bad for him. Hey, you don't need Donna, okay, m amór?" I said, looking at him. "Robin? What does mi amor mean?" He was confused. I blush red. "I- UM IT MEAN BSF!!" I was lying. Oh, okay," he said. "Can you walk me home?" He said it, and my smile grew. "Ofc m amór," I said.
A few minutes later, we made it to his house. "Thx, Robin, you really are my best friend," Finney said, looking up in the sky to see the stars. The wind blew. Robin looked at him, smiling softly. "I'll see you next week, "I'll see you next week, m'amór." I said that and kissed him on the cheek without thinking. His eyes widen as he looks at me. I realised what I had done and turned red. Oh, um, look at the time! I'll see you next time!" I walked away quickly.

|finney's pov|
We made it to my house. "Thx, Robin, you really are my best friend," I said, looking up in the sky to see the stars. The wind blew. Robin looked at me, smiling softly. "I'll see you next week, "I'll see you next week, m'amór." He said that and kissed me on the cheek. My eyes widen and I look at him, surprised. He turned red. Oh, um, look at the time! I'll see you next time!" He walked fast away. I held my cheek where he kissed me; my pupils turned into hearts; I smiled; and inside my mind, I was screaming with excitement. I walk into my house.

|Robins pov|
Once I got home, I saw my uncle and Trixie on the counter making cookies, and they almost burned the cookies in the oven. "Hey Robin! Where were you?" Trixie said she was wearing an apron and a toque. "Oh, nothing special," I said, still thinking about the kiss.
I went to bed and took off my shirt and some baggy pj pants. I go into bed and dream about the kiss.

[more coming soon👀]

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