4. Investigation time

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Hanni pov:

When Minji left the house I wasted no time and started my investigation.

I looked in every room, but it seemed like she doesn't even live here! Everything was clean and most of the rooms didn't have anything interesting, there was no stuff that could possibly lead me closer to her secret, until I walked in the small room that was crowded with too many things.

There was a huge desk with many different papers on it. Some notebooks that were opened, newspapers, some books and the most strange part of all was a pin board on the wall.

There was many photos of different people, some of them had an X on and some of them were circled. Also few pieces of newspaper, the articles were... Quite terrifying, many of them were about the death of some famous person, they were pinned next to the photos with X on it.

"So she really didn't told me everything, does she help Minki with some stuff? Is she some kind of detective? It's looks surreal..." I rushed to the room where I was sleeping and took the camera out of my bag and then got back to the "suspicious room".

I took some photos of everything and made sure all things were in the same place as when I just got here.

"Okay, that's a lot, but it's actually didn't gave me much information" I sighed and then remembered something.

I head to the room I woke up in and looked at the desk. It was crowded with papers and notes, most of them were about Spider suit and modifications, I looked at the articles.

Web-shooters, spider web, blast plates, bio scanner, a voice ai, spider-drone, electric web, wow that's quite a lot.

"I knew that Minji is a very smart person, but I thought her major is biology, not chemistry" I take a photo of the desk. "Never would thought that the web is a modification... Maybe I should write about it"

I got an idea about the next sensation I'll wrote about.

"Spider-Minki is just an ordinary human who pretends to be a hero" I smirked, but then my smile faded.

Would that be fair?

I sighed. "No way, she helped me so much, I can't just stab her like that..." I groaned. "I should just find more information about Kim Minji"

I wanted to continue my investigation, but when I walked out of the room I met gazes with Minki. She was sitting on the window.

"Whoa! What are you doing here?" I hide the camera behind my back. Again, I could feel her smile through the fabric of the mask.

"Nothing much, just checking on you, you alright? Sorry for all that stuff, I just need to deal with someone" She tried to sound happy, but anyone would sense the seriousness and concern in her voice.

"I'm fine... Can you tell me why am I chased? I just don't understand what happened.." I said.

"May I look at your belongings? I feel like I know what's going on" She walked closer and walked into the room, I placed my camera on the desk and looked at her.

"Why's that? I mean, it's fine, I just don't understand why"

She smiled at me "Thanks" And then she started to look for something in my bag. Of course she ignored my question.

Soon she stood up and looked around, seemingly trying to find something.

"I don't really know what you've wanted to find there, it's only my stuff" I shrugged my shoulders and lean onto the wall.

Then my breath hitched. She walked closer to me... Inappropriately closer, I could feel her breath through the mask and the body heat, I saw every muscle twitch and now I was shamelessly staring at her body.

What a shame that she wore this hoodie and shorts atop of the suit.

Wait... What am I even thinking about?!

I gulped and then looked her in the eyes.

"Something happened?..." I whispered.

She brought her hand closer to me, almost touching my chest. I closed my eyes, not knowing what to expect. Then I heard a 'phew' sound and some on the spider web got into my shirt pocket, she took out of there a little flash drive and pulled away.

"Gothca... That's why they go after you" She took the flash drive with her. "I guess those criminals who tried to kill you did this. I can say it was their mission to make sure this flash drive won't get in jail with them, so they hide it in your pocket. What a lucky person you are, Hanni Pham" She then rubbed her chin.

"What?" I was still processing all the information. "What's so important on that flash drive?" I thought to myself.

"The question is... How did they know where are you? Cause when I got into your house to take you out of there, they already knew your location..." She paused to think "Could that be" I saw her eyes widen behind the mask and then she grabbed my arm, rushing to the window and jumping out.

I was shocked and held onto her tightly, she was rushing and I didn't know where.

"What happened? Why so sudden?" I yelled, the wind was strong and I barely can hear myself.

She then sat us on some roof and started touching me everywhere. I was even more shocked and embarrassed. My face was crimson.

I punched her in the shoulder.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted at her.

She then spotted something on my shirt and crashed it with her hand.

"They've put a tracker on you" She cleaned her hand and wrapped them around me again, flying somewhere.

"They probably already heading to M-Minji's flat" She sighed and looked at me. "I'll... Introduce you to my other friend, please promise that you won't tell anyone, I don't want to bring her much problems"

I gulped. Another friend? It's unexpected, but it's not like I have a choice.

"Okay, fine... If I'll be safe there" I snuggled closer to her.

This experience of being chased is terrifying, but I felt a lot safer when Minki was holding me like this.

Soon we sat on top of some building in one of the apartment complexes and then barged in someone's window. I thought this place looked familiar and when we spotted the owner of the flat I was shocked.

"Haerin, I need your help" Minki said.

My eyes widened and jaw dropped. I looked at Minki and then at her friend.

"Kang Haerin?!"

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