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Song recommendation: M. By Anil Emre Daldal.

Genre: Angst/fluff

Warning: Mention of self harm and Abuse.

Hyunjin's eyes were blurry, The rain was hitting against his skin harshly, The cold water slipping down his bare body under the drenched clothes.. It was cold, It was hard to see through the heavy mist of the rain but Hyunjin's heart was beating rapidly, He felt like almost throwing up at how anxious he felt. The boy's legs moved fast as he ran through the empty Street in the heavy rain, He stepped over the puddels but he didn't care, Letting the dirty water splatter over him.

With a hazy mind he made his way to the front door of his home... Home? It felt weird to call that hell home.

Wiping the water away from his face he stepped inside, Water dripped down on to the wooden floor as he slowly removed his wet shoes. He tried his best to be quite as possible as he moved forward, Praying to every god that no sounds would be echoed through out this quite house..

Before he could place his feet over the first step of the stairs there was the voice of a women, He felt his heart sink at that. Gripping over the rail of the stairs tightly he turned his head around, Meeting gaze with the drunk and empty eyes of a beautiful women.. But truth to be told, She was only beautiful outside..

"Why are you late..?"

Her voice sounded harsh and angry, It send shivers down his spine. The male wasn't able to utter a word as he just slowly hung his head down.

The next he felt was his own mother grabbing him by his hair and making him look at her, Before he could move his eyes to meet with his mother's face there was a sting across his face, The sound of the slap echoed through the empty house.

His father passed away when he was small, Killed by his mother to be more precised.. She was a crazy women, All she wanted was the money of his father and that was the only reason she married him but once his dad's company was pulled down because of some issues, Debts started flooding.. They lost everything they had, The house, The job, and everything. Hyunjin's mother despised it as that was the same way it all was throughout her whole childhood, The cave of poverty was all she knew but once when she was finally out of it she was once again pulled back in to that same cave again.

She had fights with his dad almost everyday, The man tried his best to stop those fights between them because he truly loved her.. But to no avail she hated him, The fights started getting serious, His father started reacting back and like that at a fight she pushed the male down the stairs but to her surprise the male lost his consciousness forever.

She made it like it was an accident, she made it like he fell down on his own and that she won't do anything like that to someone she loved with all her heart. Everyone had their suspiciousness but because of no certain proof she was let go of the case and hyunjin wished they didn't, Because she is a monster, A monster who made her son work his ass of so she could spend it on unwanted stuffs and drugs.. There was mostly nothing to eat every day cause all of the money was wasted on her stupid luxury items, Hyunjin had to let go of alot, He had to almost give away his life for her..

He had nothing, He didn't even know when was the last time he felt a little better.

The male slammed closed the door to his room, Taking off his wet clothes as he rushed inside the bathroom. The man breathed heavily as he rose his head up to meet with the sight of his own face, Blood was seen at the end of his plumb lips, His cheeks held a red hand print.. Hyunjin looked down at his arms, There was Bruises from his mother all over his arms but when it trailed down to his wrists, He saw the cuts which he put on himself, All the failed attempts of killing himself.. For some reason he was always afraid to cut deep enough, He never knew why he still hesitated to just end it all..

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