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Song recommendation: Heartbeat by Childish Gambino.

Genre: Fluff?

"What about you shut the fuck up and just get in?"

Jisung said to his best friend with an unamused face, Walking around the car to get in to the driver seat while the younger best friend mocked the brunette as he also shoves himself in to the passenger seat.

Felix heaved a sigh as he leaned his back against the seat, Letting his bag lay over his lap. Jisung started the engine, Soon enough steering the wheel to rush out of the streets of their neighborhood.

"If you aren't suicidal I would advise you to buckle up."

Jisung said as he kept his eyes straight. Felix just rolled his eyes before pulling the seat belt down to buckle it up with a click. Felix ran his hand through his blond locks as he glanced at his best friend who was scowling, Eyes burning holes to his front, He will probably flip off every single drivers on the road today.

"Did someone bite your ass off?"

Felix questioned leaning his head against the seat as his eyes stayed stuck to Jisung, The brunette glanced at the boy for a split second before focusing back on the road.


Jisung mumbled out, Still glaring at who knows who. Felix let out a soft chuckle at that as he questioned.

"It's Minho Hyung, Isn't it?"

At that Jisung scoffed out.

"Well it's no more a suprise, Is it?"

Another laugh leaves the blond's mouth as he questioned.

"Let me guess he ate your last donut?"


Jisung faked a laugh at the boy's question as he took a quick turn to the right, Making Felix to jerk to the side a little. Seeing that his best friend isn't in the best mood to communicate with him he decided to stay quite for a bit, He knows Jisung, After a few moments he himself will start rambling about what happened.

So with that he tilted his head to the other side of the seat, Letting his eyes fall on the road from the window as he watched the passing vehicles with bored eyes.. The sky was grey, The road was left wet and slippery.. And the air probably was cold and Felix smiled at that because for the past two months they were suffering from scorching hotness and the now cold weather was making them feel relieved.

Felix quickly pressed over the button to roll down the window, The cold air took no time to brush against his pretty face.. The male placed his forearm over the window, Moving a little closer to feel the cold air against his face.. The soothing feeling of the air made his eyelids feel heavy so therefore he closed them softly.. His blond locks flowing back gracefully..

Then all of a sudden Felix heard the speaker of the car being turned on, At that the blond glanced at his best friend who have now connected the aux to his phone.. The voice of Childish Gambino filled the car as Felix smiled to himself, Moving his gaze back to look outside the window.

Suddenly Felix was feeling like the main character, The amazing weather and the voice of one of his favourite singer was making him feel all delusional in his head..And that led for the sudden urge to stick his hand out of the window, To feel the cold air slip through his fingers.. It felt great, Somewhat relaxing.

But then something unexpected happened, Felix eyes were stuck to his own hand which was sticked out of the window but then he saw another gloved hand holding over his own, Interlacing their fingers together as Felix eyes blows wide before he quickly looks up to a see a guy with a helmet over his face, His eyes was the only thing Felix could see.. And those eyes were Beautiful, The male had sharp and long eyes, Chocolate orbs which looked darker under the shadow of the helmet..The male was dressed in a whole black attire, His black rain jacket a bit wet as droplets of water still hung on to his jacket..

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