952 17 16

Song recommendation: Hayloft by Mother Mother.

Genre: Psycho AU.

Warning:Violence/Slight mention of sexual interaction.

(In this oneshot Felix is older than Hyunjin.)

The male slams his hand against the desk, The sound of it resonating throughout the whole room as it lead to the silence that emerged the room. There stood multiple cops around a dimly lit room, They surrounded the wooden desk with multiple photos of random women and men, Some other documents and papers also scattered around the same table as a raven head stared down at the messy desk.

"God! This is the fucking ninth death! And yet we have no damn idea who is behind this shit!"

With that the man stomps back to land on to the chair, Slouching his back against it as a frustrated sigh left his mouth. At this frustrated state of the senior officer the others weren't able to spit out a single word and they knew exactly why he was this extend in to frustration.

He was frustrated ofcourse because people were dying, But what made it even more worse was how the people who died was the ones who was surrounding him..

He didn't knew if he could just believe that this was just a coincidence at this point because as he stumble across each dead body to suspect their death he would be met with those familiar eyes staring right at him, Their eyes would be always left wide open, As if the last sight they saw before their death was the most gruesome sight known to human kind.

The disorted figure of all the victims were hard to stare at, Blood were all they could see but no matter what there face would be left untouched, Maybe some blood splatters but no sign of even a scratch on them and just as said a moment ago their eyes would be left wide open.

The freckled male finally decides to head back home from the police station, His co-workers patting his shoulder and saying that they would be able to finally put their hands on who the murder is.

And Felix wished he could just fucking face that bastard. He wanted nothing more than to punch and kick that unknown man and ask why he was doing such things to them and him..

The male felt his hazy head getting the best of him as he exits the elevator to his own apartment door. The male presses the code over the keypad as the door unlocks with a ring and just as he entered he heard the sound of the television on and at this sound he heaved a long sigh before yelling out loud as he removes his shoes.

"At this point you would be the next one to die cause you are hanging out with me like there is no end!"

At that a giggle could be heard as Felix let out a soft chuckle before moving himself to the living room to see his best friend who now had his gaze on the freckled male with a big wide smile.

"I am pretty good at defending myself."

With that he throws a punch at the air as Felix only chuckled before throwing himself to sit next to the younger man.

"Sure, Hyun.. You definitely can defend yourself.."

With that he throws his head back as the blond head pouts at the freckled male as he throws himself on him, Landing his head over the smaller's lap, Now looking up with wide eyes as the TV went on in the background.

"Are you being sarcastic?"

At this point Felix was all in laughing as he glances at the man who scowled at him.

"Dude you called me over to kill a cockroache for you."

Felix says as he lets his index finger to pull the skin seen in the middle of the younger's eyebrows, Trying to erase the frown from his pretty face.

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