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Song recommendation: Prince of Egypt by Mofe.


Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Felix have been dating since highschool and now they were married for almost two years and along all those years Felix realised that Hyunjin wasn't that much of an affectionate lover, Don't get me wrong he was a great husband to Felix and loved the younger to death, Like he would die for Felix but hyunjin was never that much affectionate physically.. And even though it first kind of bothered Felix a little later onwards he grew comfortable to that, He was happy with however their relationship was created.

They were bestfriends before becoming a couple and it resulted for hyunjin's habit of teasing and bickering with Felix to extend till this moment, What usually happens would be hyunjin making fun of Felix pancakes in the morning and Felix punching that mother fucker down the grave, But it didn't mean it was always like that.. There is times where hyunjin would be driving the car around at 3 am just because of his husband's random cravings of food, There is times where Felix is too lazy to bathe himself so hyunjin is the one who does it for him and there sure is a whole camera just dedicated to take photos of Felix in hyunjin's drawer..

They were so in love yet no one was able to see it, In their eyes they still acted as those bestfriends which they were years ago.

But then do you wonder what happens when Hyunjin is in the mood of actually being clingy? Days like those used to be very rare but as more and more time passed by these types of incidents occurred more often.. At days like that Hyunjin is found Impossible to be ripped apart from felix, His hands would be running everywhere around the younger's body, Millions of kisses and cute bites and sometimes even hickies would be left scattered across Felix skin, And those days always ends with Felix and him in their bed, Doing the deeds.

Today it was Christmas Eve and Felix and Hyunjin decided to call over his friends for dinner, Making them stay busy the whole day preparing for it.

Felix was currently making his coffee, Waiting infront of the coffee maker as his sleepy eyes bored holes in to the machine, The noises from it drilling in to his ears as he stayed still. The morning weather was indeed very cold and it resulted for Felix to feel chills slipping through his back here and there and he wished he grabbed something to keep himself warm before making his way here.

But all of a sudden Felix felt himself getting warmer and it was because of the arms that was wrapped around himself from behind, Soon enough a face was pressed in to the crook of his neck, The hot breath fanning over his skin as it relaxed the younger, Felix knew this hug won't last that long but for his suprise it did and at that Felix questioned if the man has fallen asleep on him.

Felix placed his hand over the side of Hyunjin's face, Tapping it lightly as he asked with his groggy morning voice.

"Are you sleeping on me?"

Hyunjin shook his head at that before placing a kiss on the younger's neck, Making a sigh to leave Felix mouth.. A small smile crept up on the younger's face as he realised that perhaps today was one of those days but then suddenly Felix eyes widen, Today is Christmas eve, Out of all these days this mother fucker is gonna be like this today!? You might find this dramatic but Felix was for real having a panic attack.

Felix whimpered as hyunjin's lips kissed a line up till it reached felix ear, Felix awaited for him to say something but rather hyunjin blewed in to it making Felix to rip himself away from his husband while holding on to his ears with red cheeks.

Hyunjin laughed at the younger, Pearly white teeth shining so brightly at him.

"Go brush your teeth bitch."

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