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Song recommendation: Kill shot by Magdalena Bay.
Genre: Smut.

The first ever time Felix eyes fell over that man was at their sport's festival.. The blond head remembers how his eyes stayed stuck on that raven head.. His long hair flowing almost magically along with his quick moves, The way his eyes stayed sharp, The way he ran his tongue over his insanely thick lips.. A Beauty, That was him.

And on top of it he was extremely cool, That day Felix was all concentrated at watching the football match going on at their University field.. He was sitting at the bleachers, Edging to the end of his seat as he watched with anticipation consuming him in.. He almost frowned in disappointment as he watched his University almost loosing the game as the ball rolled over the green field to the goal post but that was until a man came rushing, He watched the long haired man stealing the ball from the other team and afterwards running to the opposite direction with the ball dancing between his two feet.. The man made it all look so easy but everyone knew the case was nothing close to it.

Felix eyes were wide and starry as he watched the man successfully kicking the ball in to the goal post.. His whole surroundings filled with cheers, Laughters, Screams and everything roamed around the bleachers so loudly but for Felix those noices were nothing but a fainted back ground sounds.

He watched how the man's fierce eyes melted in to the most softest gaze as it curled up in to crescents, His thick lips also held a wide smile and it left Felix with a rapidly beating heart.. Felix almost stared at the man like he just saw Cinderella popping out of the book and standing infront of him and this was noticed by his best friend who soon enough slapped the back of his head and like that Felix finally snapped out of his thoughts, Head turning to meet eyes with Jisung who's doe eyes were now filled with confusion.

Felix said nothing but..

"I think I just fell in love."

And like that the blond head catched feelings for his prince charming.

After that incident all Felix could see was hyunjin, Everywhere he looked at he saw the male.. And every single time his eyes fell over hyunjin the man would appear more and more attractive which resulted for his unstoppable blabbers of how much of a simp he is for his daddy-- I mean hyunjin.

Jisung was sick and tired of the boy's blabbers, At first Jisung found it cute but now it has been a while and Felix still haven't made a single move, And it was driving Jisung a little crazy.

And over this long time a lot has happened, Felix even got the chance to talk to him, Hyunjin even sat beside him at a class for almost a straight week but even after hyunjin speaking all casually to Felix the latter still stayed stiff and nervous which resulted for no progress in their relationship.

And with the talk he had with hyunjin Felix also realised that this man was not just hot but also a person with a sexy personality, He was extremely sweet and his voice was way softer than he expected it to be and he even complimented Felix deep voice once saying he also didn't expect him to have such intimidating voice.

Some days they would catch glimpse of eachother at the hallways and most of the times their eyes would meet eachother and whenever that happened hyunjin never hesitated to smile as sweet as the sugar and everytime that occured Felix would be left somewhat star struck that he might had forgotten to smile back in that process.

Felix and Jisung were currently heading towards their next class, Walking down the stairs among the other students.. The stairs were quite crowded with the students as Felix would say sorry and excuse me for like who knows how many times because of accidentally bumping in to them or something.

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