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Song recommendation: Akuma no Ko by Higuchi Ai.

Genre: Attack on Titan AU.

I was born to a cursed world, Rather than being able to see the mountains and sea I was stuck with walls surrounding me.. As I gaze up from the highest floor of a building in expectation of finally being able to peek out of those walls all I still was able to see was those walls..

They stayed so high and strong hiding the wonders of the world behind them as I was left to be stuck in this place..

I knew behind those walls were the beasts who awaited for us so they could feast up on us, I knew very well that these walls were there to protect us, To protect us from getting ourselves and our loved ones killed.. To not watch them getting torn in to pieces as their blood flew across the cold air..

God I knew, I knew very well why I was stuck in this place.. Why I wasn't able to have the freedom to gaze up at something mesmerizing..

And It makes me regret stealing that book..That book which held the secrets of the world beyond the walls.. Even the secret behind those monsters.

But as they talked about these monsters I was rather unfazed.. I believe that they would have more conscience than those monsters that lived under the same roof as me.. Those monsters who worn the name as my guardians.. The one to give me this awful of a life..

I wonder if it was the cruelty of the world which made them like that, To not even feel a single ounce of guilt as they stare down at their son covered in blood.. The blood they made him shed, I wonder if that's why they never felt even a bit of sympathy as they stared at my glassy eyes, As they watched me cry until my whole face went red, Until it was hard to even breath in the air because of the tightening of the chest..

And that made me wonder more, If i was born maybe far away from these walls, Away from those titans.. Would it had been better? Would I had gotten more kind parents? Who somewhat loved me..?

I wonder if it all would had changed if I wasn't cursed enough to be born in to this place..

Maybe then I would had known how kindness felt like.. Maybe then I would had known what was the warmth of true love..

It felt impossible to find those in this world I was born in to..

Until I met him..

Another day of running away from home I stumbled down near the pond, Letting my feet dangle off from there as I took deep breaths in and out.. The stinging on my right cheek was harsh, My face twisted in pain as I fisted against the dirty ground.. Feeling the rough ground beneath me as it grazed agaisnt my fingers..

I started down at the pond, Few other people surrounding the same pond, some of them now giving me quick glances at noticing the blood slipping down from the end of my lips..But none of them dared to speak on it, Rather kept their pitiful eyes on me as I kept my head low..

All of a sudden a great pain felt like it was injected in to my chest, My brain playing the scenarios of what just happened.. The pain felt greater than the sting across my cheek.. And soon enough I felt my eyes stinging and without myself knowing drops of tears rolled off my eyes now sliding down my bloody face and landing on my lap with the blood accompanying the water..

I let my dirty hands rest upon my face as I pushed my face more in to my hands, Trying to find warmth in myself as I tried my best to stop myself from crying anymore.. But I couldn't, It felt like my heart was hurting so much.. To a point I didn't knew if it was normal to feel this much pain..

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