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Song recommendation: Dizzy by MISSIO.

AU: Demon.
Genre: Horror/Smut.

The sound of the metal locker being slammed shut echoed throughout the whole locker room. The freckled boy brushed his black hair back as he hanged the bag over one of his shoulder, Chewing on to his chewing gum, he exited the locker room. He worked at a dance studio as a dance teacher and now it was time to go back home, So with the staffs running around and closing up the dance studio Felix walked outside but once stepping out the bright lightening flashed against him, Almost blinding his vision.. The harsh growl of the thunder was soon blasting against his ears.

Eyes of the boy widen at that, Heart beat gradually increasing as he felt fear crawling up on him.. The hair strands on his arms stood up proud as a shiver ran down his spine.. He almost wanted to run back inside the studio and that was exactly what he was going to do, The boy turned around to step back inside but was stopped when he saw the staff Locking the door close.

The male parted his heart shaped lips to speak but felt his throat clenching shut, Unable to spit out even a single word.. The staff turned around and bowed at him with a bright smile.

"See you tomorrow, Sir."

Her voice was very faint to the Australian but yet he nodded with a sweet smile, Bowing back.. As the female walked away he still stood at the same spot, Not knowing what to even do.. He looked around at the dark atmosphere, The air was thick as always.. Freezing cold even.

Finally his throat was let go.. Making him slightly cough out, His hands was brought to his neck slightly caressing it. The male felt like his feet was stuck to the ground because of the fear that shoot up in him, He was scared to take even a small step.. Terrified to walk through this street.

Since the past two months it was raining and lightning like this almost everyday, And at each days like this Felix encountered numerous horrifying sights.. He always end up reaching home drenched in fear, At a day like this Felix would feel eyes glaring holes in to him.. He went to his therapist to talk about this and the professional told him that he was hallucinating because of stress or because of the lack of sleep.. At first he belived that was the case but as each days passed by he started to realising that wasn't the truth behind all of this.

It almost started one year ago, Each day a new person would leave this world and at every news of it Felix would feel the ground underneath him slip away because each of them would be an ex lover of his or someone who have hurt him in any possible ways.. It drove him crazy, It made him stay away from people.. It felt like everyone around him was in danger.. One time a student at the dance studio inappropriately touched him and ofcourse the guy was kicked out but after one week he was found hanging down a tree.. Completely decayed to a point his flesh was dripping away from his skeleton.. It was declared as a suicide but Felix knew it wasn't..

Even though it started with people who have hurt him dying soon it became anyone who acted any close to him.. They weren't murdered but left in bed with a broken arm or leg.. Maybe without even an eye.

Because of this Felix kept everyone away, Living in his own company but was he really alone? Even at the coldest night he always felt a warm presence beside him, Sometimes the presence was way more than warm, Burning hot.. Sometimes that presence left him breathless, Drenched in sweat or tears..sometimes even in blood but the blood was never his..

Felix took a sharp breath in before finally taking his first step, His steps started off slow but gradually it grew faster now the boy was almost jogging towards his house, Desperate to reach there as fast as possible.

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