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Song recommendation: Mediocre Life by Hwang Sang Jun, feat. Pre-Holiday.

Genre: Mafia AU/Smut.

Second part of Re-Birth.

The king had five sons, Therefore the country had five princes. Each of the prince was way different than one other.. From their visuals to their personality.

And for some reason each of those princes hid something behind a mask.. Something secretive behind each of their actions and the whole kingdom was able to notice it yet they had no power to point their fingers at them.

From those five princes was Lee Yongbok, The prince who was blind yet the most skillful.

The only prince who had the least to hide from his kingdom.

And one thing about Lee Yongbok was the fact that he was the sweetest person to everyone expect his own family.. It wasn't because they treated him any worse, It wasn't because they saw him as a burden because he was blind.. It was because his family was too cruel to exist in this world.

The devils disguised as the angels.

The life of the prince wasn't anything special, Atleast for himself that's what it looked like.. It's true, He had everything, Wealth, family, Anything you could name.. And the world being blurry to his eyes wasn't anything he was ever sad about, He was rather happy to not gaze at this world, He was happy he was blind to his world, Where everything was unfair and pathetic.

He was satisfied yet not..

He longed for something he wasn't able to put his fingers on..

And he searched for what he was so longing for..

And he found it atlast.

He found it once he heard one of the palace guard whisper to a prince, A prince who was whimpering in pain as the guard had his sword deep in to his chest. Blood dripping down to the ground as the guard had the courage to place his foot over his highnesses unwounded chest to still him against the floor.. Everything was a blurry image but for some reason just the blurry image was enough to satisfy the heart of the blind prince who watched his own brother die.

He was happy about the fact that his brother was dying.. Because he thought that's what he deserved for his filthy doings..

Rape was something to be punished off, No matter what your rank was, No matter who you are..

The one who sin have to pay for his doing.

And the guard who just killed him said those exact words.

Soon enough Yongbok was hiding himself behind a wall as the guard slid opened the door of the prince's room and walked out, The blood of the other dead guards sticking agaisnt his own feet as he moved forward with putting the bloody sword back in to scabbard. Having quick glances of the knocked out guards he walked forward, Pulling the cloth covering half of his face more higher.

But he halted in to a stop as the deep voice of the prince spoke to him. The sharp eyes of the guard averted his gaze, Looking through his eyes lashes to gaze at the prince who simply leaned against the wall and stared at the guard with a glint of amusement.

"Why did you do that?"

The prince had asked and for a moment the taller man spoke nothing but later he turned his whole body towards the prince.

Their eyes met, But no speck of fear was seen inside the guard's eyes even though he was caught red handed by one of the prince, A prince who was way too skillful with his swords and who was able to kill him within a blink of an eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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