Chapter 4

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Hello everyone and welcome to chapter 4. I am sorry for  the long wait but I have just now gotten to access to a computer for the week end. Fir those of you wondering why the wolf that is white and has a little bit of green on it's fur that is Kayla's Wolf form. Sorry for not telling you guys earlier.

Chapter 4: Battle for Position

As we enter the village, many of my people groan. They were hoping that at least one of us had gotten out of the way in time. Some of the young children come over and gather around me for comfort. Comfort is the main job of an Omega. They are there to keep their packs calm and collected. Some people consider us weak because they all feel as if they should do no harm to one  of us. That is not a weakness. I believe that is the wolfs way of makings sure that he/she has some calm and quite time. Hey it may sound funny but it is true. Without Omegas some of the stronger tribes would not be so strong because they would always be at each others throats.

Roman howls for all of the pack to assemble in the clearing. Everyone moves quickly and the children come along as a safety precaution.  I stand in front of those of us that are from our originial pack. We only number fiftthteen. Roman stares at us practically laughing his ass off. I glare at him and growl. Roman growls back at  me and swipes his paw at one of the children. I put myself between them and take the blow to my left shoulder. Hissing as the pain makes itself very well known, I turn to look at him.

'You may have a problem with me but if you try to attack one of these children you will regret it within minutes,' I say to him.

Roman ignores me and says to everyone, 'Today we shall determine what position each of you shall have in the pack.'

Many of the pack gasps at the audacity of having a hierarchy determined after so many of us are wounded and they are left practically unscaved. I nod my head in agreement with him. The males start their battle and of course Roman comes out on top. Surprisingly Aiden comes out in the position of third. The lowest of the males are mostly from our origonial. I am the first female to step into the circle. The others of my pack soon follow suit while the intruders just smile. The females of the pack may be small but we are skilled in what we do. Our hunts are known to be very well planned and elaborate. When all of us females are in the circle the new comers begin to circle.

Good they are falling straight for disaster. They have not seen our pack hunt. They may out number us but that is not all in war. says my wolf(sorry forgot her name i'll change it soon). 

One of the female makes the mistake of going for one of the younger ones. The mistaken is trounced upon by two of the older wolves and is automatically subdued. Two others charge at us less than a second later. They come straight at Joanna, a wolf for only two months. I turn and fight the one that came for her right side as is my duty as her side partner.

A few seconds later five of them come rushing at us from different directions. A bad move for them. We may lose a few of us but they would lose every member of the attacking formation. They take out three of us which just leaves three of us left against five of them. Their  next attack takes two more of us. Leaving only Saya and I to fight off three of them. Two take on Saya as i fight the third. The she-wolf goes for my throat but I move with the swiftness of those of my pack and family. I swipe my claws down her right side and grab a hold on her leg. I yank the hip out of it's socket and nearly grin in happiness, but I remember that Saya is up against two wolves. I turn and see that Saya has eliminated on of the wolves but is pinned underneath the other. I grab the wolves throat just as Saya gives up to her. The she-wolf bucks and tries to throw me off of her. She tries to claw at my chest but I use her movement to allow me to dodge her attack and to lodge my teeth further into her skin and drag it across her throat. After five minutes I feel her life force fading and barely even there so I remove myself. The she-wolf rolls over to her belly and submits to my authority.

I change forms and sit down upon the grass trying to rein in my breath. If someone ever tells you that an Omega can never have a high position in the pack, do not believe it because I am here as living proof. I am the head female of the Sirim Village Pack. I dare not say alpha female because that would imply that I am the mate of the alpha male. Which I am not, but technically I am his mate as is the right of Won...

Help me here guys can you please give me good idea of might be put here. Please. Thanks for reading and good night maybe if you guys comment and vote I'll upload later on this week end. Well as I was saying bye.

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