Chapter 9: To Accpet or Not to Accept

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Hey guys. Sorry, I know, I said by the end of the week but I got caught up in some stories. Anybody get the title reference. i hope you guys enjoy. By the way this is going to be a long one.

WARNING: If you do not like sexual situation I am warning know. I'm still debating on wiether or not for sex this chap or make the poor boy wait. But there will be situations. If you want to read the non-sexual parts, I will give a warning.

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You have been warned. Thanks

Chapter 9: To Accept or Not to Accept

Hold on why is Roman carrying me. Hm, must be because he feels that as alpha he is responsible for what happened to me. I lay my head back against his chest and take what comfort I can while he is holding me. Wait a minute, since when do I want comfort from him and why. Lord it must be because mating season is coming up. I sigh and look up at Roman's face even though I can no longer see.

"Where are we going," asks Cam(Cameron the alpha of the rouges).

"I am taking Kayla back to my place so that she can relax,"  replies Roman with a growl.

"Huh. Why your place why not somebody elses place," Cam growls back.

"Because I can defend her better," Roman almost snaps.

"Calm down both of you. Please don't fight," I beg them.

"Kayla, you died back there in that clearing and he made you blind and..." yells Roman.

"Roman, he made a mistake. He is an old friend of mine and I do  not feel like getting in between two alpha's battling it out. We talk about this later Cam, alright," I ask.

"Fine," he sighs.

"Good. Now I suggest that you get back to your pack," I tell him.

Cam takes the clue to get away before Roman goes full wolf on him. I can feek that Roman is still shaking as we head to his home. I whine at him to remind him that I am here and not in very good shape. He lowers his head and  nuzzles my neck.  He breathes in my scent and slowly begins to calm down. When we arrive at his home, he has stopped shaking and is calm once again. He takes me to one of the bed rooms and lays me down on it.  As I start to feel my eyes begin to close, I feel Roman come and lay down beside me. I startle to fully awake. I look up at him with with what I hope is a look of confusion.

"I am staying here because if I don't most likely I will go after him. You don't want that do you," Roman asks?

I shake my head very slowly as my eyes begin to close again. Less than a minute later, I am complete out of it.

Roman's POV (Only for a minute or two)

I watch as Kayla doses off. She looks so serene laying here next to me. Midnight begins to make a sound that is like a purr. I sigh and think of the events of the past hour or two. How could he not know that she was his old friend. I mean how can you forget her. I am thankful to the pack for giving us some time alone. I know most of them are wanting to thank her for what she did.

'Our mate is alive that is all that matters,' says Midnight.

'Yes but he will have to pay for what happened to her,' I tell him.

'But first we must convince her to be our mate and to bare our pup,' he responds.

'Of course,'  I say.

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