Chapter 8: Bleeding Heart

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Hey everone thanks for reading this far into the story. So are you all ready for the next chapter. Well ready or not here it is. Sorry but you might hate me by the end. I can almost garruntee it.

Chapter 8: Bleeding Heart

Another two weeks has passed and there has been no change in Kayla's condition. Many of the wolves in the pack begun to panic. Everyday I have to break up fights between pack members. Ronald, one of the wolves from my origonal pack, walks into the room and looks me in the face. He motions for me to follow him out of the house. I follow him out and wait for him to talk as we stand outside. It is midnight so everyone else in the pack is asleep unless they are out on patrol.

"Roman, dude we should put her out of her misery. If she was to wake up at all she would have done it since now," he tells me.

I growl at him and reply, "I will not give up on her. SHE WILL AWAKEN. I am not going to allow her to give up on life."

"Fine if you won't do it then I will," Ronald tells me.

Ronald walks as if to enter Kayla's home. I cho apange to my wolf form and drag him away from the house and into  the forrest. As we get out of snarl hearing range of the village, I release him and through him up against a tree. Ronald stands back up and charges at me. He dares try to kill the one who is to become my mate. I show my teeth and at the last second dodge to the left and bite him on the tail. I keep a hold on his tail and drag him back to me. I quickly swipe my front claws down his side. We fight for five minutes before I hear the alarm sound and Ronald runs off.

'No,' screeches Midnight,'He was a distraction to get us away from her. NO, NO, NO.'

I growl and run full speed to the village. When I arrive the place is in complete choas. Wolves are fighting everywhere. I auromatically go into fight mode. I search the area for any high up wolves to attack strangely all of them are lower level wolves. Hold up that means that this is just a distraction.

'This is a distraction is anyone near Kayla's house,' I demand of my pack.

'No alpha,' replies my pack.

I hurry towards her house and nearly collapse when I see what has happened. Kayla's house is up in flames and from the smell of things the  rouges have returned to finish her off. As I run into her home, the back of the house collapses. I run as fast as I can and ignore the fire. I must do anything to ensure the safety of my mate to be. Please be safe please. I beg you God in heavan let my mate be safe. As I  reach where room used to be, I start digging and rooting through the debree hoping and praying that my mate is safe.

A few minutes after I start some of the pack comes running over. Most are in wolf form but some are in human form. Some call for help and rush over to help me search for my mate. Others stand there staring in shock or are crying and frozen in place from. I watch this absently while I continue my search.  Midnight and I are going crazy with worry. A few minutes later, I feel a deep pain in my chest.

 'No, no, no. No, that can not be,' I think to myself.

Midnight howls in despair in my head. I pick up my speed. No do not let it be please. Please, I beg you lord have mercy, please. Do not take her away from me when I just found her. Five minutes later, someone finds her burried under a beam.

Two wolves in human through it off of her as I run over. I push both wolves out of the way and look at my mate. She looks the same as she did before and has no burns but the beam had broken many of her bones and they were not healing.

She.. She... She wasn't... breathing. I couldn't hear her heart . Everyone was holding their breaths waiting for her to breath. But I knew, my lovely mate would never breath again. Her heart would never beat and I would be alone for all time.(A/N: WAAAA *Crying and sobing*).  I grab Kayla and through her on my back. I rush out of the area and head to the lake. My pack howls in pain and mourning. None of them follow me. They know that she was my mate and know that I will not be back very soon.

I run full speed and stop at the edge of the lake. I slowly lower her from my back and lay her down in the water allowing it to cleanse her of the soot. I do not want to see my mate covered in soot and debree. Once she is clean, I carefully drag her out of the lake. I curl myself around her dead body and try to will her to come back. Midnight begs her to come back to him, to us. After thirty minutes, I raise my head to join the howls of mourning and dispair. A few seconds later, I hear the howls of rejoice and mocking from the rouges that attacked. My pack shuts up and begins to hunt the rouges down.

Oh, how I wish to join them. I want to join them inthe hunt for the ones that destroyed the life that I could have had with my mate. But I cannot and will not leave her hear by herself. She may be dead but I do not know what the rouges might do if they find her by herself. I continue my howling and do not realise that....

"Roman," says a scratchy voice from beside me.

I look down and see that Kayla has opened her good eye and is alive. I lean down and lick her face repeatedly. Kayla tries laughing but that turns into a very bad cough.

Sorry guys to leave this as a cliffy but I have to get dinner and do somethings. The rest will be up later tonight or early tommorow.

Also, I would like for you guys to come up with two bad guys for me. I need name, age, height, wolf name, eye and hair color and how they look muscle wise. I also need a evil girl please. i will choose the ones I like and use them the creators of those characters will have the chapter their character appears in dedicated to them. Thanks guys. :)

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