Chapter 15:The Enemy

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For those of you who read the orginal chap 15 this is the same thing but rewritten because the other was deleted by the sytem for some reason. I am mad but I shall do my best to write it the same. The first two paragraphs are somewhat different. For those that have not read the old chapter this is going to be in Demetri's POV

Chapter 15: The Enemy

Demetri POV

I am sitting at my desk debating what to do about Ani. I sent her to spy on the enemy packs and she was supposed to be back a week ago. Roz is pacing and growling in my head. He believes that she betrayed us. She would not betray me. I have taken care of her since she first changed into a wolf. She must have died.

'Do not be stupid boy. We would have felt if she died,' Roz tells me.

There is only one way that Ani would betray me and that is if Cameron did not complete his job. I growl. Two people have most likely betrayed me and one of them is the head of a group of rouges. Well there goes part of my army. Suddenly one of the captains of my border gaurds comes in. I push him up against the wall for entering with no permission and growl in his face.

"Sir we caught an intruding wolf," he reports.

I release him and smirk. So we will have someone to use against the packs. Good very good. I hear my pack howling in pain and the sounds of unknown wolves growling at  my pack of rouges. I growl and change forms running full speed towards the intruding wolves.

I search the area for the wolf leading this little group of intruders. I spot the Omega of the group fighting and wounding two o my strongest wolves. She grabs the captive wolf and turns to leave. I go for her throat but she dodges and lands a blow to my snout. I scratch at her head but she moves out of the way just in time. How can she do this? She is blind and has been out to near death. I can see that she has been hurt bad in past battles. What has she done to become so strong to be able to dodge that attack just in time. She grabs my paw just a second later and throughs me into a tree with ease. As I begin to slide down she and the rest of her group run away from the fight leaving most of my wolves hurt and battered. When I land on the ground, i give chase folllowed by my pack.  How the hell could they get to the border and beyond all ready? What are they the super force or something. I howl to tell the Omega the next time I see her and her group they are all dead. She howls back the same about me and my group.

I turn back and lead my pack to the village I am currently using as a base. I walk into my office and change forms. I walk back out and see that the whole pack is gathered outside of my office. Good this means that I will not have to gather them all.

"What happened back there," I demand.

No one answers me and they all start to back away cringing. I growl and they move more frantically some people tripping and falling. I growl louder and they all stop. Good they all know to fear me and that I dislike being disobeyed.

"My squad and I found the female intruder and brought her back to the village. I went and reported to you. We returned to find the battle started," says the captain.

"A few minutes after the squad took her back a group of ten wolves went through and we gave chase. By the time we got to the village they were leaving again," says another captain.

"We were guarding her but they came and started to take us down," says one of the men of the first captains squad.

I turn and look at the office. The pack sighs in relief believing that they are safe. I turn around and smirk at them.

"So you are telling me that all of you are so weak that you got your butts handed to you by a group of ten females. I believe this means another five weeks of training," I tell them.

All of them groan but no one moves to leave or do anything else. They all know that I will not stand for disobiedence. Just wait stupid Omega. I shall see you dead by the end of the next two months. I smile and turn towards the woods. I lead my pack to the forrest and begin to train them some more.

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