Chapter 6: The beginning of the never ending night

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Sorry for the long wait but I've had wariters block for a while. I am going to try to make up for it with three chapters in one week. I can't promise it but I'm going to try. So any way here is the next chapter. I also have asurprise for you guys you might love it but you might hate it. Anybody want to know what it is. Well then continue reading. *Smirk

Just to let you know the begining is details but it lets you know some things. I hope you like this. It is the longest chapter yet.

Chapter 6:The Never Ending Night or Maybe The Worst Night

It has been a little over two months since the other pack came and took over. Things have been rough on those of us that are left of my original pack. Over fifthteen of us were killed including our old alpha. The surprise attack caused major dammage to the village four homes were destroyed or burned to the ground. One of those homes being my mothers home.

I lay back against the rock behinf me as I look over across the lake. Lord how beautiful this place is even after all of these years I can not get over how this place lokks in mid Spring. The flowers are blooming and the smell of lillies and roses are mixed in the air. The water is reflecting what sunlight is getting through the trees make it seem as if it is gold colored. As I look out over the lake I think of the things that have changed since Roman's people came.

As Roman had promised things would not be easy for those of us left of my pack. He forces the young unchanged children to train so that they may be stronger when they change. Almost everyday, I am besieged by little ones trying to ease their sore muscles and bruised bodies. Even though this is for the good of the pack me and Roman have gotten in verbal fights over this. We finally agreed that the children should be given at least three days of no training a week and if they wish they can train ectra but they will not be forced to do the extra work.

Another thing that has changed is that the changed have to train for five hours a day and do patrols of the lands. I have to do one every night seeing as I am the Alpha Female. As Alpha Male Roman is in charge of the day light patrols while the nights are solely my responisbility.

As the sun begins to set I stand and begin to change I watch as the surface changes from gold to yellow to orange to red. As the water begins to change to a darker shade of blue, I begin my patrol. As i move around the pack territory, I relieve the curent gaurds. They sigh in relief, even those who are from Roman's original pack. The long day of gaurding a mile long streatch of land for around four hours. I laugh as they move back to the village. At least they dont have my job. Most of them would be going insame by now. I swear they would. It is almost completely dark when i relieve the last of the gaurds. I go back to my thoughts but turn them towards me.

Oh lord what I would do right now just to be able to get a good night sleep and not in the full daylight. You would think hey that's awesome wouldn't ya. But no it is not, I have to be by myself patroling the same old boring trail and piece of land every night. I have to cover all of the land and I must say that the repition is starting to get to me. I mean think about it the same scenery, same smells, same trees, and the same everything else. No change at all and no one to share the boredom with. If I didn't know better i would say that he was giving me this time on purpose.

NO he wasn't doing it to torture me. According to him, it is to make me stronger. If by stronger, he means tired, grumpy, and a little less co-operative then yes i am stronger.I run from dusk til dawn and thank the lord that it is not winter or I already would have dropped over from sleep deprivesation. Oh who am I kinding the man is trying to either kill me or make me back down from the position maybe even torture me. I get less than five hours of sleep and then have to get up and train for seven hours. two more than everyone else. Of course then begins the work. For two hours, I settle minor and major disputes between pack members. Next is my most favorite time of the day other than sleep, one full hour of sitting and doing nothing by a lake.

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