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Benjamin James is an 19 year old human boy. Born in the south side of London, he was raised in a rough environment. His past life was only about abuse, gang violence and crime. Eventually, he managed to join the British army to fight against the anthros after being recruited from prison. Although, he struggles to leave his past behind... Now he has to face a different world.

A world where humans and anthro's couldn't accept coexisting with each other. So, both of the races had been fighting each other after the Vietnam war ended. Hungry for power and territory, the anthro's decided to invade major countries. Soon, they took complete control of almost half of the regions in Asia, including Russia. During the ongoing war, several organizations have formed.

Human organisations:

United Humanity:

This organisation was formed with all of the countries that were occupied by humans. Combining their strength, they've become the strongest human organisation. Their objective is to re-establish peace between the human and anthro race. The goal is still very far.

Shadow Men:

A terrorist organisation founded by an anti-anthro. The soldiers are well trained and they mostly work quietly. They assassinate high-profile anthro's and cause chaos in the anthro occupied countries. Their objective is very obvious, wipe out the anthro race. Though, the U.H considers them as enemies.


Humans who risk their lives wandering in the battle fields to loot, recollect and sell back military weapons that were abandoned. They are very hated by the anthro's. Though, they do not usually engage in fights.

Anthro organisations:
United Anthro Nations:

Just like U.H, but rather than restoring peace. They have an objective to wipe out the human race. However, that may change after Benjamin shows up. The anthro's outnumbered the human population by a million. Anthro's are also stronger and faster than humans, which gave them a huge advantage.


A special anthro organisation that focuses on exterminating humans. They are tasked with executing prisoners. Fierce and aggressive, they show no remorse to who they kill. Most hated military organisation by the humans.

Sketch of their insignias:

Sketch of their insignias:

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That's a few of them. See you on Chapter 1.

(Yeah Ik I spelt anthro wrong)

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