Chapter 4: Captured

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Private Haley
The drive was... Uninteresting. With Dan talking about cars and how he should be a mechanic rather than our driver. Mel was quiet the whole ride, she didn't even speak a word after we drove out the base's gate. Sarah on the other hand kept on mocking me for the past hour,

Sarah: "...I still can't believe you slept with him..." She whispered to me while Dan's rant about cars goes on in the background.

Haley: "I slept with them so you could have the whole bed with Mel..." I crossed my hands in annoyance as I looked at her.

She stays quiet after that. Eventually we reached our destination figures in the distance along with a couple of other vehicles. Dan drove faster and soon we stopped just before we hit an APC blocking off the road. We got off as an anthro wearing a black uniform approached us,

A.T Member: "I'm guessing you're here to replace my injured men and women right?"

Dan: "Not me!" He says as he reversed his jeep to turn around and leave.

Haley: "Ignore that idiot, and yes. I'm Haley, this is Sarah and that's Melissa." I pointed at Sarah then Mel, introducing ourselves.

Sgt. Ammerson: "I'm Sargent Ammerson, nice to meet you people. Now follow me." He said as he turns and went to the back of the APC.

All of us followed him from behind and find ourselves in a slightly busy situation. A few people wearing gear painted in black, some talking, some resting and some yelling at each other.

A.T Member1: "... That's why I told you motherfuckers to FUCKING SHOOT HIM!" A tall anthro was yelling at another member.

A.T Member2: "You knew our objective John... CAPTURE HUMANS! AMBASSADOR'S ORDERS!" Another anthro yelled back at, I guessed John's his name, with a strict tone.

A.T John: "Damnit Betty... He shot at us! Not to mention, injured three of our fucking team members!" The guy yelled back.

A.T Betty: "...This is the time that we finally caught LIVE humans and not KILL THEM on the spot!" She snapped back at him.

John stayed quiet for a moment, like he was thinking of a comeback but couldn't make one up. He tisked,

A.T John: "...Fine... Whatever you say..." He then walked passed us almost bumping me if I didn't move out of his way, "Bet bitch..." I could hear him curse under his breath, but Betty didn't seem to hear him.

The situation finally calms down as Betty went on to help the other members. I looked around the place to find multiple bullet casings on the snow along with the noticeable overturned car beside a tree, blocking the road slightly. I then looked around and saw a woman leaning against the APC with her hand bandaged in a crude way with a dirty rag. I approached her,

Haley: "That wound looks nasty... You need help with it?" I asked her as she turns to look at me quickly.

A.T member3: "Y-yeah." She said as she held her hand at me.

I then went closer to her and carefully opened the rags, revealing a bloody sight of her arm with a bullet stuck inside. I quickly take out blue gloves from my med pack and wore them before tending to her wounds,

Haley: "Can you Uhm... Sit down?" I asked her and she immediately nods before sitting on the snow.

I crouched down and take out a small clean rag and sanitised it with a bottle of disinfectant. After that I rubbed it on her wound to clean it, she flinched in pain as I do it but eventually managed to hold. I then proceeded to take out the bullet with a medical tweezer, but before that I gave her some painkillers first.

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