Chapter 2: Cold Outpost

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-Private Ben-

I could feel the sun shining on my face, but I just kept my eyes closed. Then I smell something, like perfume or soap. I slightly opened my eyes to look, at first I thought those anthros did something to me. It was fur on my lower face, I then remembered last night. I look down to see Haley is still holding me. I woke her up by tapping her shoulder, but then as I turned to look at her, I was met with her face. She was also looking down at me since she was slightly taller than me, my eyes widened as she grins, her sharp teeth visible. I quickly jump away from her grasp and face. I then looked at her with a serious face as her grin turns into a smile,

Haley: "You liked that didn't you?" The sudden question made me nervous.

Ben: "Don't do that ever again..." I say as I approached to pick up my sack.

I then headed towards the cabin door, I open it and a cold breeze hits my face. I look behind me to see all 3 anthros. One on the floor against the wall and two more on the bed still asleep.

Haley: "Where you going?"

Ben: "To the outpost, where was it again?" She then sat up against the wall.

Haley: "Straight north from here, good luck." She says, then I wave a hand at her as she waved back, "Until we meet again..

I closed the door and rummaged through my pockets and pull out a compass to see the direction. I turn to my left and headed towards North. I put the compass back into my pockets and adjusted my sack behind me. I just realized than my sack was a drawstring bag combined with a backpack, with a couple of extra pockets on the back. I started walking towards where the outpost is...

I made a stop on a tree nearby and decided to eat. I placed my bag against a tree and took out a container I filled with biscuits. I open the lid and see it was filled with plain biscuits, I took one and bit it. It was crunchy and cold, it was my only food. I then took out a water bottle and took a small sip, had to ration it since it was almost half. I ate a biscuit and sipped on the water bottle. I finally felt my hunger fade away and put everything back into my sack.

My M4 was still slung on my chest. I then checked for my knife on my hip concealed below my sweater. My magazines in the two pockets and a bandage in one extra pocket on my vest. I'm surprised I didn't even scratch myself throughout this whole time, since the explosion at the convoy. I feel very lucky especially when I met that nice anthro back at the cabin, I couldn't imagine what would happen if all three of them were conscious when I opened that door. I then picked up my bag and continued on towards the outpost...

I finally hear voices, I hid in a bush and looked at the outpost. I could see humans  chatting by a fire, only a fence was defending the outpost. I then searched for the entrance and headed to it. I awkwardly slowly came out of the bush and lifted my hands up. The guards on the tower notices me and pointed his gun at me,

Tower guard: "Who are you?!" He asked me, forced to yell because out distance was far.

Ben: " I'm U.H, my convoy got ambushed while heading to an outpost!" I answered back.

The guard on the tower aimed at me for some time before he lowers his gun. He then yelled at the guard below the tower. The guard was sleeping, but he then jumps and quickly opened the fence gate.
I entered the outpost, finally feeling relieved. Then I see a soldier approach me, he explained that I have to go and meet the commander. He points at a tent and told me the commander was inside. I then thanked him and went to the tent. Upon entering, I could feel the temperature immediately change from cold to warm. I see a man wearing a coat with a command sergeant major rank patch. He looks at me,

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