Chapter 1: Deployment

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First deployment of Pvt. Benjamin.
-Assist fighters on the frontline-


I slightly shiver from the brutal cold temperature of Russia at night. I tightened my grip on my rifle and relaxed. I was currently in a truck with other soldiers that I don't even know since we were immediately loaded into the truck as soon as we landed in Ukraine. The truck is taking us to an outpost somewhere deep in the snowy forest. A strong sudden bump from the truck made me jump and land on my ass which hurts slightly. I adjusted myself on my seat and made sure my gun's safety was on.

My truck continues on driving on the snow covered path. I look up front of the truck and see another truck transporting soldiers to the other outposts nearby. Our truck is in the middle of two trucks heading to different locations. We were also lead by a jeep up front. The jeep had a machine gun behind it, mounted by a heavy armed man. The gun looked like a M2 Browning. I could tell it was from the large bullets in a box feeding the gun and the long barrel. We were apparently doing this at night, which was pretty dangerous and risky.

This is my first deployment after only a week of training. Sargent thought we were good enough and ready for combat. I was given a uniform, a white plate carrier that blended well with the snow, a sack with food, water and personal stuff in it and a black beanie. Apparently, they ran out of helmets. So they just gave me a beanie, another reason on how I'll die. At least they gave me a proper weapon, a slightly modified M4 and a couple of magazines. I check for my knife that was sheathed on my hip. It's my personal knife, dagger shaped. Fortunately, they agreed that I could bring it instead of getting the military knife because it would save the knives for other soldiers.

The uniform I was wearing was surprisingly just a white sweater with our insignia, a pair of black wool gloves that really did a good job at keeping my hands from freezing, a white scarf to keep myself warm and a nice pair of quality black military boots. I wouldn't complain much since I am still just a private. The human army has been running low on military gear so some soldiers were forced to be issued with old guns. Luckily, I joined just in time to get myself a nice rifle. The army was also running low on soldiers, which made them recruit anyone. Especially prisoners, like me... Though, this will be a new chapter in my life. I wonder how far I'll go...

It gets darker and soon it was pitch black. The lights from the truck and moon illuminated the area. Throughout the whole ride, not even one man or woman spoke. Since this truck only had new soldiers. I examined to see the truck was loaded with at least 16 soldiers. A lot of men rather than women, almost all of which had the same gear as I do. Some holding good weapons like an M4, modernized Aks and sniper rifles. Some holding old weapons like an old SKS that was slightly rusted, one guy had a civilian Ar-15, some had literal hunting shotguns like a Beretta semi-auto and one guy only had a pistol. The sight made me a bit disappointed since I knew that some of them would die because of their weapons.

I turn to see a guy I knew during my training. He and I managed to pass the training, I'm surprised to see him in the truck with me since the other group was in a completely different truck that's heading to another outpost. The guy's name is John, quiet but real tough both mentally and physically. He was wearing almost the same gear as I did, but he had a helmet rather than a beanie like I did. I just realized that, almost everyone on the truck either had a helmet or a cap. I adjusted the scarf on my neck with one hand and wrapped it around my lower face, concealing half of my face because I felt slightly cold. Still, the ride was silent and long, but it was too quiet... Something was wrong.

As soon as I thought about that, an explosion was heard. It sounded very near, close enough to make my ears ring. Everyone on the truck panicked and jumped off as shots are being fired at our truck. I myself jumped off and took cover by crouching beside the truck. I look in front to see bodies of ours and people running into the forest. I looked at the jeep leading the convoy to see it was on fire, it's hit by a rocket or an explosive. The Sargent was burnt to crisps on the jeep, his body slumped on the passenger seat. I look around to see my allies get shot and fall onto the snow, painting it red with their blood. I panicked and crawled under the truck. I layed on the snow by my stomach as I see more of my allies who try to flee get shot. One of them managed to hide under the truck with me. I look at him and tried to say something, but he puts a finger on his lips, indicatig me to stay quiet. I adjusted my rifle to my side. The guy had an M4 just like mine, but he had an Acog sight. We both lie quietly as the shooting stopped. I look to the trees as animal-like legs slowly emerged from the shadows. The legs slowly move around the truck, checking for anymore humans. There were a lot of them. Maybe 7 as 5 more came out from the shadows. After they checked every side of the trucks, a voice could be heard,

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