Chapter 6: Amateur

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Private Benjamin

I finally woke up after just 3 hours of sleep, I already feel really energetic. Everybody else seems to have already left for lunch. I sat up and looked around for a moment before standing up and stretching my arms in the air. I made sure my uniform was tidy and also made sure I didn't have any weapons on me to more trouble. After wearing my beanie and a pair of wool gloves, I hastily left the room. While walking in the hallway, my pace slows down and eventually I stopped in the middle of the long hallway. I had no idea where the cafeteria is, but again I told myself that I shouldn't just stand around. So I took a deep breath and began to slowly walk on the hallway. There are a few other turns that I bet would lead deeper into the dorm area, but I focused on the opposite direction of where I came from, which was probably the resting room, where I bet still has a lot of anthros. I could hear different kinds of sound while passing by the dorm rooms, I would hear faint music playing, faint voices of people talking and apparently faint sound of grunting and moaning. I had to listen twice to make sure... These anthros do get easily aroused because of their, heat cycles. I'm concerned about that too because I've heard rumors of people being used as living sex dolls by anthros in the prisons. Although, some of the people didn't view their experience as a negative thing...


I stumbled to the side as I bumped into someone. And of course, I knew it was an anthro because I felt fur when I bumped them.

U.A.N Anthro: "Watch where you're going-!" An angered voice said before suddenly being cut off.

I slowly looked at who I bumped to. I knew this is going to be a bad way to meet someone, especially the ones that hate you. In front of me stood a hyaena, a male one. He was taller than me so I had to slightly look up to see his face.

Ben: "Sorry dude, I didn't see you there!" I nervously backed away.

He looks at me with a normal face, and eventually he smirked.

U.A.N Hyaena: "Hey you're that human aren't you?" He said as he pointed at me.

Ben: I nodded, "Yes I am bu-" I get cut off by him.

U.A.N Hyaena: "Oh man! Welcome to the U.A.N!" He said, seemingly friendly.

I was confused for a moment, he notices this and slightly bowed his head down,

Aaron: "Oh my bad! Name's Aaron, Haley's friend!" By now he seems genuinely friendly.

I was slightly surprised by his sudden change from the rough and intimidating look to a cheery and friendly expression. He lends out a hand, which I accept and shook.

Ben: "I see! News of me spread around that quickly?" I asked him, trying to be polite too.

Aaron: "Yeah the general just made an announcement about you being recruited like.. an hour ago!" He explained before grinning, "You're Ben right?"

Ben: "Yep that's what most call me." I chuckled, "Have you seen where Haley is by any chance?"

Aaron: "Oh she's with the other Recon-12 members at the cafeteria." He looks at me curiously, "You're heading there?"

Ben: I nodded, "Yes I am, I've got nothing else to do anyways."

Aaron chuckles,

Aaron: "Oh well cafeteria's just down that direction." He pointed at the direction where he probably came from. At the end of the hallway was a metallic door.

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