Chapter 5: Meeting new people

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I was escorted to my squad's room by the wolf lady that interrogated me earlier. They trusted me enough that they released me from my handcuffs. The wolf lady spoke to me while I walked beside her,

Am: "My name's Ammerson by the way." She spoke to me all of the sudden, "Call me Am."

Ben: "That's... A very short nickname, how about Ammy?" I suggested her while also not trying to sound weird.

Ammy: "...Hey you know what? That actually sounds like a very nice nickname, didn't think of that one."

I smiled at her and the fact that I've already made a few anthros to not hate me. Since I'll be staying in this U.A.N base, I'll have to put on a friendly act. I need to make as less enemies as possible since I know there are a few that I'll be forced to kill... I don't like putting an end to someone else's life, makes me sick, but if I am forced to then I know I shouldn't hesitate. It's a war after all. As we both walked down the empty hallway silently, we finally reached some kind of door. Ammy pushed it open and I followed her from behind as the door led to some kind of opening in the base, what was noticeable though was the amount of anthros around the place. Some were sitting on a table and watched the news on a flat screen TV built onto the wall, the others standing around chatting and waiting for whatever. As soon I stepped beside Ammy, all of their faces turned to look at me. The room quickly went awkwardly quiet, confusion and disgust upon every face that was looking at me. Ammy then walked across the room and I quickly caught up to her. As we both walked, whispers could be heard. I managed to catch a bit of what they were whispered about,

U.A.N Soldier: "Is that the human they captured?" One of the anthros among the others asked her friend.

U.A.H Soldier: "Why the fuck is that thing walking around our base?" Another different anthro mumbled somewhere.

I started to get anxious as I walked beside Ammy. She seemed very calm but also had a serious looking face. Finally we reached the other side of the room, Ammy pushed open the door which led to another long hallway with a lot of doors. As soon as I passed through the doorframe, I took a deep breath,

Ammy: "Doesn't seem like everyone would like you here, doesn't it?" She said sarcastically after closing the door.

I slowly looked up to her,

Ben: "Yeah... I expected that too..." I mean like, who wouldn't?

Ammy shrugged before we both continued down the hallway. Eventually, we reached a door with the label, Recon-12 stuck on it. Without knocking, Ammy just opened the door, revealing a small yet cozy looking room. The room had 2 bunk beds, both of them had bags hanging at the edges of the bed,

Ammy: "This is where you'll be staying along with your newly assigned squad." She said to me as she placed her hands on her hips.

I slowly turned to her with a raised eyebrow,

Ben: "I'm assigned to a squad? Alright I guess, so anything I'll have to know before I move in here?" I asked her as I gestured to the bunk beds.

Ammy: She slightly shrugged, "That depends on what your new teammates tell you to do... But other than that, try to stay out of trouble..." She said as she turned to leave.

Ben: "By the way, where are my things?" I asked her.

She freezes before speaking,

Ammy: "Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that. I'll go get it for you, you just stay here and meet your new teammates. They'll probably be back after free time." She said before quickly leaving and closing the door.

I sighed as I looked around the room, I went to sit on a seemingly unoccupied bed. It's nice to finally have a nice place to sleep and not just some cheap camping cot made in china. The room also had a plastic door, which seemed to be the shower which I didn't mind about. I stood up and explored the room. In the middle of the room was a carpet, at the back of the room was a window with 2 military tables. On top of them were small bags, devices I didn't know what they were for and... A grey underwear... I quickly looked away from it and shook my head shamefully before walking to the middle of the room and did a 360 degree spin to take a look at everything. I sighed as I finally went up the window and looked through it. The dust covering the window slightly blurred the view, through the window I could see a ton of anthros. The base was honestly big too rather than my last outpost, probably 9 times bigger than that. While I was observing the anthros working and training in the base, I heard a door open. I turned to see that the shower door was opened and an anthro stepped through it. I didn't realise who it was until she finally looked at me. It was that fox I met back at the cabin during the snowstorm. We both looked at each other with a surprised expression for a few seconds before she calmed down,

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