Chapter 8: First mission

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I was awoken by someone who was moving my body. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the person that was trying to wake me up, it was the doctor.

U.A.N Doctor: She slightly smiles as I looked at her, "Wake up, Ben. General Kelly's calling you."

I sat up on the bed and turned to sit on the edge of it. I rub my eyes and took a deep breath, the cool air and the smell of a hospital was calming. I thanked the doctor and quickly exited the infirmary. When I stepped outside I was a bit confused because the hallways seemed unfamiliar to me. I try to navigate it and eventually reached the cafeteria again, it was totally empty and only the sound of my footsteps could be heard as I walked across the large room. I finally reached the dorm hall and quickly headed toward Kelly's office. It didn't encounter any anthros along the way which made me even more relaxed.

I finally reach the office and knocked on the door. I could hear the voice of Kelly inside,

G. Kelly: "Come in!" She said loudly.

I opened the door and saw that the rest of my team was there. All of them stared at me awkwardly before I closed the door,

Ben; "I heard that you wanted to see me, General." I try to sound as calm as I could, when inside I was nervous on how she'd react after the fight in the cafeteria.

Kelly looked at me dead in the eyes before pointing at a nearby chair. Indicating for me to sit down, to which I quickly did. I nervously gazed around the room,

G.Kelly: "Now, the reason why I called you here is because of a mission I am going to assign to your team." Her voice was serious, it was very different from her usual voice, "We need your team to scout out an area that is expected to have U.H soldiers hidden somewhere in it."

Everybody nodded without saying anything. She gives us a quick brief on the mission,

First, we'll have to go to the area. We'll be transported half where there with a vehicle before going on foot. We'll also have to stay very low and hidden. It was a 3 day mission so we'll have plenty of time. Other than that, we were told to avoid combat with humans to avoid the conflict worsening.

After the quick brief we all left the office and went to out dorm. My stuff were untouched on my bed to which I quickly geared up. After all of us geared up and left the dorm, we headed towards the armoury. I followed Haley and the others to a metal door in another section of the base. Haley knocked on the metal door. It seemed like nobody was answering before Haley mentioned,

Haley: "Open up, this is Recon." She spoke calmly yet loudly.

Eventually a small opening on the door opened. A pair of canine eyes could be seen through it. They spot me and growl,

U.A.N Canine: "Well if it isn't the no fur..." He said sternly.

Haley: "Come on just open the damn door so we could get out gear." Haley spoke once more.

The canine scoffed and eventually unlocks the door. It was revealed to be a golden retriever anthro, his gaze sucked onto me as we walked in, he kept his hand on the grip of his gun tightly obviously ready to shoot. The room had a few other anthros that I guessed were also on missions. There was an opening in the room that was protected with bulletproof glass and metal bars. The room was partially empty with only a few stools and a plant in one of the corners. We walked to the opening and ringed the bell on a table.

???: "Coming!" A soft voice spoke before footsteps could be heard rushing towards the opening at the other side of it.

I could see a pair of white ears before the girl stepped up on something and finally reveals herself. It was Marie, the rabbit girl from the cafeteria. We both looked at each other before she clears her throat,

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