Chapter 10: Progress

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??? Pov

I was awoken by the sound of my alarm. Which also wakes everyone else up.i sat at the edge of my bed, looked through my phone before standing up and going to the kitchen area. I make myself instant noodles for breakfast and a cup of coffee to start my day. I then went to my workplace, the main room, with tables that had 3D printing machines and laptops. Setting things up, I start working on another new print. I pressed enter and the 3D printer started working and slowly printing. After that I went to another table that had gun parts on it. I grabbed a regular Glock 19 slide and started putting it together. Then from below the table, I grabbed the body, it was a 3D printed body.

My name is Jeffery, most people call me Jeff for short. Ever since the war, I was trying to find a job. Everything I tried would always fail, no job applications I made were accepted. Maybe because of my honesty, or maybe I just lack the skill.  Ever since then I would work on part time jobs, sometimes I get taken advantage of easily and get fired just before the paycheck. I got so sick and tired and eventually started scrolling through the internet to search for jobs. None of them fit me, but one grabbed my attention.

An ad with a gas mask, and words say, Join the Scav today! I was curious so I clicked on it, it would take me to a website with a job application. I was about to click off since I knew that I wouldn't be accepted when I realised that it was a very different job application. It didn't ask for any degrees or diplomas or any of that stuff. Just name, age, and knowledge. I decided to go by honestly. I typed in,

Jeffery Doregues
Knowledge of guns.

The knowledge part was a joke. Then after only a few days, I received an email saying I was accepted. I was so happy about it but even wondered. Guns? What does this job have to do with guns? I shrugged and quickly packed my things and went to the nearest bus stop.

Long story short I ended up here, in Russia, Fucking Siberia. In the middle of nowhere with 2 other people. After assembling the gun. I threw it into a box, full of the same exact copies, just different colours. I then sat on an old office chair and rolled it to my laptop. I'd always try to make different kinds of guns, out of scraps of other guns. That feeling of using an old trigger to make a fully functional gun felt nice. Especially when it's to beat the U.A.N and those furries. I took a sip on my cup of coffee and started to scroll through the internet. I'd find gun models through different kinds of websites. Although, a lot of them are taken down quickly. Luckily I've already downloaded the designs on my laptop.

Accurate body designs like rifles, pistols and sub machine guns were available right in front of me in a single file. We'd make guns out of the scrap parts and sell them back to the U.H. we'd also make sure they work properly and wouldn't explode when shot. Every month a U.H truck would come and get our boxes or crates of 3D guns. But sometimes they wouldn't accept failed builds. That's where we've made the riskiest decision. We'd sell them to another buyer on the black market. It's not much but it's profitable and a good way to discard the builds we didn't want.

The printer takes a long time to print a gun body so I decided to go to the living quarters. Our base was tiny and hidden, in the living quarters were just a couch, a barrel as a fire place and a coffee table with a nice TV on it and a laptop connected to it through HDMI. It was nice of the U.H that they gave us things to entertain ourselves with. Our guard, Listor was sitting on the couch. On his lap was his 3D printed submachine gun I help him made. He greets me,

Listor: "What's up?" He says without looking away from the show that was playing on the television, connected to the laptop.

Jeff: "Just waiting for another print to finish, I wished we had more things to entertain ourselves with. Maybe a new person?"

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