Chapter 11: First negotiation

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Private Ben

I opened my eyes and jolted up, I looked around and saw that I was in a familiar room.

It was my bedroom.

I looked around confusingly and stood up from the bed. A sense of nostalgia hits me, I walk around the room for a while, observing the objects I see from when I was still a teenager. The walls were in a plain white colour, and the carpet was soft. Then I'd notice under the bed was a block object. I crouched down and reached for it, revealing to be a sheathed
machete. I unsheathed it and examined it. It was one of the weapons I was given to protect myself when I was out for drug runs. Suddenly a click was heard behind me, a mouse click from my desk. I turned slowly and see that someone was sitting on the chair near my desk, they seemed to be scrolling through the computer,

???: "Ahh Amazon... So many weapons sold here." The figure turn it's head to look at me, "£25 pounds for a Rambo knife is stupidly cheap isn't it?"

I remember them, the black figure in my dreams and the one I fought before this,

Ben: "Uh.. yeah... Plus the shipping fees I guess?" I said jokingly.

???: "I hated those too..." They stand up before turning to look at me as it moves the chair away.

Usually, he'd probably attacked me by now. Wonder what he has to say...

A knife slowly appeared on its hand, almost as it he made it from thin air. I sighed deeply, before raising my machete,

Ben: "This time, I think it might be more fair."

???: "Right, you'd always rely on anything you can use as weapons as..." His voice seem to be less disoriented, putting on a normal tone of a young boy.

Ben: "The fuck you want me to do when I'm fighting a guy that has a big fucking shank?" I angrily replied.

I could hear him chuckling. Before he lunges towards me. Timing it almost perfectly, I swung my machete at him. He  suddenly appeared beside me and thrusted his knife, but I managed to jump and dodge it. I looked at him in disbelief,

Ben: "Really? Teleportation? You're bullshitting me right now..." I kept my distance away from him.

???: "You'll have to predict it!" He shrugs, "And damn you dodged that real nicely."

Ben: "Thanks- Woah!"

I barely dodged him as he moved fast towards me and thrust his knife. I pushed him onto the ground and swung down my machete. It hits his left arm.

???: " AHH! Fuck!" He teleports back up, far away from me, holding his arm.

I could see that he's actually bleeding but  only black liquid dripped down onto the carpet. It stopped after a few seconds,

Ben: "Aww did that hurt?" I taunted him.

He looked at me before running at me again. I released a barrage of swings with my machete at him, to which he avoided swiftly and managed to cut my left arm. I could feel that sting as blood came out of my arm too. He teleports away and crosses his arms,

???: "Ha! Got you!" He laughed.

I simply looked at the cut and wiped the blood off it on my uniform,

Ben: "Well, at least I don't bitch about it like you do.." I taunted him back.

He scoffed before charging at me again, I stood my ground and tried to predict what move he was going to do next. He thrust his knife, to which I braced for and as expected he teleports beside me and I quickly slashed my machete, cutting his throat. Blood came out from his throat as he stumbled back, covering his neck. He looks at me nervously. I then slashed my machete again, hitting his shoulder and almost cutting he's right arm off. I pulled my machete back and looked at him,

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