1. the day we meet.

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spelling mistakes
underage drinking alcohol
underage smoking

finney's p0v

i walked inside the school going to my locker and grabbing my stuff that was until bruce came with vance "hey finney!" he says i smiled "hey guys" i say i looked at vance and his neck was covered in hickey's "really guys?" i say "he wasn't listening to me" bruce says as he crossed his arms letting go of vance hand

i chuckled "see, what i tell you vance?" i say "oh, shut up!" he says "alright alright" i say just then someone burst threw the door as he comes in riding his skateboard doing some tricks it was the one and only robin arellano as teachers tried stopping him he wouldn't budge i looked at him

he looked at me back and we made eye contact for a quick second then looked back to what he was doing "catch me if you can losers!" he says "lunch detention!" a teacher says "that's all you got!?" he replied back soon after the voice faded away so i really couldn't hear anything "i'ma  go to the bathroom" i say

"to smoke?" vance says as he gave me sleepy eyes "no..?" i say obviously lying "finney, you said you'll stop" bruce says "hey, i said I'll try to stop" i say bruce chuckled "i shouldn't be talking i tried quitting smoking but i couldn't still can't today" bruce says i laughed as vance tried going with his other friends

calling them as bruce looked like he had good grip on vance wrist as vance tried pulling back "well i'm go now cya" i say as the bell ranged i left to the bathroom to skip class and to smoke i sat down on the floor in the corner taking out the pack of cigarettes from my backpack and grabbing my lighter and litting it up

i inhaled the smoke then blowed it out i did it a few times until someone busted open the door and quickly shut it i frozed and looked up it was robin arellano as he panted he stick up the middle finger to the door "fucking losers, can't catch me now can you girls?" he says as he sighed after i just ignored him

and inhaled the smoke again then blowing it out "oh" he says as he saw me "hi?" i say "oh, right sorry hi who r u?" he asked "i'm finney or finn for short" i say as i put out the cigarette "shit, no wonder it smelled" he says as he put his skateboard next to the sink "mhm, ur robin right?" i say he nodded

"why do you smoke?" robin asked as he came and sat next to me "i have problems, at home and i smoke to throw away the problems i guess" i say as he looks at the pack of cigarettes i have "mm, i think alcohol is better" he says as he pulls out a bottle of alcohol from his backpack my eyes widen

"aren't you to young to be drinking?" i say he looked at me "aren't you to young to be smoking?" he jokes as he laughs slightly i chuckled "wait, aren't you that quiet kid?" he says "yea i didn't really think you'll be the first person to notice me" i say he gaved me a concern looked i looked at him with a slight smile

"i'm the boy that is quiet? that doesn't talk to anyone other then his four friends" i say he nodded "wait, then why are you talking to me?" he asked "i don't know" i say "how come you don't wanna talk to other people?" he asked "i js like to talk to my childhood friends only people now and days are bullies or fake" i say

he hummed softly "you don't like it when girls chase you around do you?" i say and chuckled "nah it's annoying i'm... i'm not even into girls" he says "thats okay, ppl can be them self right?" i say quietly "yeah.." he says softly he open the bottle and dranked a sip i lit up another cigarette i inhaled the smoke

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