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robins p0v

school ended so me and finney decided to walk home together as we were walking some old guy fell with his groceries he made some chuckles "would you look at that?" he says as he held a broken egg finney chuckled "do you need some help?" i asked he smiled creepily "yes, would you hand me my hat please?" he asked

finney picked up his hat as i gave him it he got up and started to shake something a bottle can "im a part time magician would you like to see a magic trick?" he says i look over and noticed at the back of his van there was black balloons i got closer but finney grabbed my hand tightly i yanked my hand away

"are those black balloons?" i asked "yea actually" he says i smiled i never seen black balloons befor "be careful robin" finney whispered to me i nodded he took out the balloons until he grabbed my neck choking me "FINNEY!" i screamed finney tried getting him off me but he sprayed something in my mouth

he used the balloons to cover me and threw me in his van as he pushed finney to the ground i couldn't move. i felt sleepy.. i'll js close my eyes for a little bit.. "ROBIN!!" finney shouted but it was fading i still had a bit energy so i got on my knees and noticed the guy was driving away as finney tried running after him

"finney.." i say softly the last thing i saw was finney who was stopped by an elderly man he couldn't run after the van any more cause he was being held back then i blacked out

finney's p0v

FOR FUCK SAKES IF THIS OLD GUY DIDN'T HOLD ME BACK I COULD HAVE STILL BE RUNNING AFTER THAT FUCKING VAN! "young man please stop chasing that van" the old guy says "fucking old bitch that fucking van kidnapped the person i love!" i say he js said nonsense i started to cry

i quickly ran to my house and got my phone it was still my mom's weekend but oh well i called all of my friends and told them what had js happened i told them to meet me at the grab n go they agreed once i got to grab n go they were all there my eyes were puffy "look blake, better not be fucking lying" vance says

"i'm not. some old creep took robin! kidnapped him!" i say in anger "woah, let's calm down. do you remember how the van look like?" bruce says concern "yeah, it had this word magic i don't know and it was in blue and green color but mixed together" i say "holy shit.." billy says "what?" griffen asked billy

as we saw billy panicking "t-that sound l-like my dad's brother van.." billy says as he couldn't control his breathing "woah, deep breath in and deep breath out" vance says as he hugs billy "i think i've seen a van like that before.." griffen says "wait rly?" i say "when i was 7 tho" griffen says

"should we report this to the police?" bruce says very scared of robin "holy shit, why do we got to deal with this.." griffen says "we should anybody know any of his family members? brother? sister?" vance says in a calm voice "i know who." i say his brother fabian i have to tell him.

robins p0v

i woke up to a mattress i quickly got up and looked around the room it was a basement. i took a deep breath in and sighed until i heard a voice "don't be to scared" i quickly turn my attention to an old guy sitting on the floor as he looked at me "w-who r u? why did you kidnapped me!" i say worried cause what bout finney?

"mm, cause of how cute you are. besides your boyfriend isn't here to save you tough luck" he says what.. cute? he's a fucking pedophile he got up and went to the door "why'd you come down here if you weren't gonna do anything?" i say harshly "just to look at you. i just wanted to look at you" he says as he shuts

the door as he locks it. i look around and to see some small vent with an air thingy idk i put my legs close to my chest as my arms hugged it i'm still glad he didn't take my bandana..

-2 hours later-

i started to feel hungry and groaned "why me?" i whispered to my self js then i heard the door open it was him again but he came with a plate with eggs and a soda "here" he says as he sets down the plates and soda i looked at it he eggs looked weird "eat up" he says as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear

"don't touch me" i say sternly he only had his bottom of his mask and i saw him glare at me he then soon left i just drank the soda cause yeah he may drugged the soda but i rather drink it then eat old scrambled eggs that look weird hopefully i get out soon yeah i may be a fighter but this old guy is stronger then me.

he's an older guy older guys are either strong or weak. my mom isn't even gonna care probably so why make a missing poster of me? my friends probably only pretended to like me so why should they care? like my mom always says i'm annoying so they won't come after me after all i was gonna kill myself

i set down the bottle back on the floor and rubbed my arms to get warmer eventually i had fallen asleep.

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