2. their imaginary friends.

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robins p0v

me finney vance and bruce ended up skipping school the whole day and hanged out we had a lot of fun hanging out as we all shared our home life and shit i got home by using my skateboard as i did one last trick i got off it and picked it up i saw the tv and lights on that means my mom was home. just great.

i open the door and see my mom on the phone smoking a blunt i went inside the kitchen and tap her shoulder "what?" she says clearly annoyed "um.. i made some new friends" i say and smiled she rolled her eyes "cover that ugly smile robin" she says i looked down at the ground and js went upstairs i took a water too

as i went upstairs i see my older brother hanging out with his 'friend' as i stopped i waved as they waves backed "hey robin, come join us" my brother says his name is fabian i decided to join them as they talked "how bout u lil bro" fabian asked "hm?" i hummed confused snapping back to reality

after zoning out "how's your day? aren't u still supposed to be in school until like another 10 minutes?" he says "oh, i made new friends and we decided to skip school which helped me with girls and teacher telling at me for riding my skateboard inside" i say and smiled as they also smiled "y'know.." fabian says

"we were wondering if you actually ever smoked weed" his friends asked "oh, no i haven't" i say which is true team alcohol for me "have you ever drink alcohol or beer?" david asked aka my brother's friend "no..?" i say "then why did we find a bottles of alcohol in your room?" fabain asked i frozed. shit.

"um that's not mine" i say as i heard my name be called "ROBIN SOME GIRL WANTS TO SPEAK TO U!" my mom says i groaned "these girls are way atta hand! how did they find my location?" i mumbled frustrated "bye" i say and grabbed my skateboard and checked to see who it was and ofc it was angela. why me?

"what do you need?" i say "hi!, i was wondering if you maybe wanna hang out?" she says chewing her gum mouth open and twirling her hair "no thanks, no offense but your not my type" i say as she frowns quickly and cries "how could you say that!" she says and runs off crying i rolled my eyes as my mom

appears behind me with an angry look "hi..?" i say showing i was scared "why did you make that girl cry! you guys both looked like a cute couple!" she says i looked down "i don't like her" i say and looked up next thing i knew i got slapped hot tears fell down my face as i also fell to the ground

holding my left cheek that js has been slapped I was breathing heavily js the i look up again and my mom slapped me over and over again "FABAIN! DAVID!" i shouted as i fell fully onto the ground holding my cheek and sobbing i hear running on the stairs "robin!" my brother exclaim i look at him as he went

blurry. "fabain..?" i say softly as he was still running down the stairs with his friend as my mom punch me in the face last thing i hear was "FUCK YOU MOM THE HELL IS WRONG WITH U!" it was my brother shouting at our mom as david hugged me that was the last thing i saw until i blacked out

i woke up in my room as my brother held an ice pack in my cheek "robin?" he asked but it echoed soon my hearing got better "f-fabian?.." i say softly "yea that's me" he says as he hugs me as david joined in too i cried softly that became sobs "shh.. it's okay" david says as a boy came in "is robin okay!?" it was billy..

i've known billy since we were baby's to be honest we were inseparable we split up due to our moms since then we never talked to each other only did a few waves when we saw each other only sometimes i missed him "robin, a-are you ok?!" he asked as he hugged me i nodded softly he started to cry

"don't cry billy" i say "no!, i could've still have talk to you! but no i js didn't i'm so sorry!" he says in between sobs "it's ok, rly it is okay" i say he hugged me tighter "ow ow ow, billy to tight" i say he let go softly "sorry" he says "it's fine" i say and tried getting up i fell and david and billy caught me "fuck." I say

"mom hurted you really bad you have to rest" fabian says "what? i don't need rest!" i say "yes you do." billy says i sighed "fine, where is she anyways?" i asked "she went out again won't be back in a day or two" david says david knows alot he's like family to me and fabian well a boyfriend to fabian i chuckled not knowing

"well since mom isn't here i wanna tell you guys.." i say then notice my top drawer open that's where i put all my alcohol shit! "hm?" billy hums curious on what it was gonna say "oh right, sorry i made new friends!" i say excitedly "are you sure?" fabain asked "yes i'm sure!" i say and smiled but they didn't

i stopped smiling "why do you guys look worried?" i asked "what if their imaginary friends" billy says "what? no! billy your friends with them! i think their vance bruce and finney" i say taking off the cover off me and standing up perfectly not falling "oh, i don't know a finney" billy says 

"What?" i say confused "yeah?, finney? the quiet kid?" i say getting worried "oh!, yeah i know him" he says i sighed in relief "i was scared for a second" i say as they all chuckled "i'll stay here with robin" billy says as fabian and david nodded and headed back to fabians room "how's liddy?" i asked he smiled

"she's doing good" he says liddy is billys dog "y'know ur dogs name reminds of the song cigarettes out the window" i say as billy laughed and so did i "hey, let's restart and become friends again?" billy asked i smiled as he gave one back "sure" i say

(this is also a 2023 x 1980 mixed)

fabians p0v

as me and david went back to my room we looked back at the alcohol we found in my brothers room i sighed and took one of the bottles "you aren't gonna drink one right?" david says "ofc not, i'ma throw it away" i say and gave a gentle smile he gave one back i went downstairs but then thought for a second

why would robin drink? was it because it tastes good? i shook my head out of thought and dumped them out in the sink i looked at the last bottle i lost my mind cause i took a sip a big long sip after my head started to hurt i threw out the bottles and went back to my room as david sat down on my bed waiting for me

"fabain? you okay?" he asked i laughed he looked at me confused "wait, did you drink one of the bottles..?" he asked as he caught me from falling "no.." i say then everything went black

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