9. robin!

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bruce's p0v

finney and robin had just left maybe finney is finally gonna tell him how he feels. i put my head on vance shoulder as i stilled talked to griffen "wheres robin and finney?" griffen asked "they went to the bathroom" i say

"oh!" griffen says he grabs my hand and draws a 'b.y' i look at it my initials. he grabs billy hands which made him blush and wrote his initials and did the same to vance and his.

"we're all a friend group" griffen says i smiled at that finney and robin camed back they were holding hands this time. finney had probably already had confess then!

-time skip-

billy's p0v

we were at a park and me and robin went on the swings he told me everything that had happened while he was y'know. "i knew he was a fucking pedophile." i say robin giggled yea the group don't know much about robin

but we care for our friends. finney knows the most about robin. we decided to show up to robins house to surprise his mom and brother. robin knocked on the door as a women came out her eyes widen "r-robin is that r-really you?" she says

robin nodded "i-" he was cut off by a hug "robin!" the women says in deep tears i look over at finney as he slightly smiled as a boy came running towards the door and sees robin to. they all hugged as they cried in tears


no one's p0v

robin was at finneys house. it was finneys dad weekend and they were cuddling with each other and watching films soon finneys dad came in "hey finney robins mom is here to pick him up" terrance says not bothered of them cuddling

"oh, okay." finney says terrance leaves the room as the two boys get up "bye amor" robin says "robin hold up!" finney says as he grabs robins hand "hm?" robin hums in confusion finney kisses him as robin kisses back "i love you. be safe okay?" finney says "i will finn" robin says and smiles finney gives one back.

as robin exit the house and goes to his mom's car she asked how it was "how was it?" she asked "good!" robin says and smiles as robins mom gave one back as they started driving home something caught robins eye his eyes widen cause he saw.

the grabbers black van.

hey guys! so i'm actually gonna end this book. i have other books to work on. i'm so sorry! hope you guys like the book!

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