3. abusive parents.

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billy angst

billy's p0v

i'm so happy i get to be friends with robin again but i feel guilty i could've still talk to robin and not listen to my mom but no i was a little mamas boy but not anymore. as i walked home from robins house i saw my parents car in the driveway fuck. i took a deep breath and open the door to see my parents on the table with

a belt. i started to panick "so, where were you?" my mom asked "i was at the park.." i say my dad hummed "more like you were at robins house." he says i frozed "w-what do you mean?" i asked scared for my life my dad got closer to me as my mom just smiled i started to cry "why are u crying?" my dad asked teasing

i tried opening the front door which i did successfully i tried to run out but my dad grabbed me from the back of my shirt collar choking me i tried screaming help but i was already in the house my dad threw me to the ground as he hit with his belt "DAD! PLEASE STOP!" i shouted as he kept on hitting me

as i was sobbing he hit me two times harder with his belt that's gonna leave a big bruise i kept crying as my mom stopped and came pulling me by hair to look at her "listen, you little brat! NO ONE LOVES YOU. NO ONE CARES FOR YOU!" she shouts at me and slaps me as she drags me upstairs by my hair "mom!" i say

"mom! please! it hurts!" i say crying she pulled harder we got to my room as she threw me in there she did one last thing i never expected her to do she came up to me and choked me until i couldn't breath "m-mom please i-i c-can't.." i say but every thing went black

vance's p0v

i was going on a late night walk until i heard a door slam open it was billy he looked like he was crying and he was scared he tried running until some arm pulled him back inside the house by the back of his shirt collar i got worried because billy's parents are nice and kind but something is weird about them

me being me i look thru their window i saw billy getting hit by the belt as he shouted for his dad to stopped my heart dropped billy was like a fucking little brother to me anger flood in me as i saw billys mom pull him by his hair to face her as she said something i didn't know she then dragged him upstairs by his hair

i quickly went to billys window cause i've snuck into his house before i saw billy get thrown into his room as his mother came closer to him and.. she started to fucking CHOKE HIM? i saw billy not moving as his mom left him on the floor i got off the tiny roof where i can see billys window i went to his front door

and knocked it was a minute until they open the door "hey!, welcome vance! what are you doing here?" billys mom asked sweetly damn. "i wanna see billy" i say with a straight face "oh, he's currently sleeping right now" billys father says fucking lairs "oh really?" i say

they both nodded as they smiled i sighed "yeah, he fell asleep of how you guys abused him right you andrea choked him until he couldn't breath yikes. you martin hit him with ur belt" i say with a slight smile they frozed "uh.." adrea says looks like this is gonna be fun to do.

finney's p0v

me and gwen were talking until our mom came into my room it was our moms weekend sadly "hi what do you need?.." i asked she js glared at me "i need you to buy me more alcohol" she says as she hands me money for it "um ok" i say and put my shoes on and went outside i started walking after i brought the beer

i saw bruce "hey" i say softly "yo, who's the beer for?" he asked i signed "my mom's today it's her weekend" i say he nodded "i like your dad better he's very kind" he says i chuckled he is "what are u doing late out at night?" i asked "i was gonna go to vance house but his mom said he wasn't there" he says and sighed

"you have an obbsession with vance don't you?" i joked he laughed a little "no, maybe' he says i js smiled "well see you tmr?" he says "yea" i say he smiled and left the opposite direction

no one's p0v

as vance went up to billys room he saw billy on the floor he picked him up and hugged him he sense martin tryna hit him from behind and dodge it then punch him in the face he left with billy over on his shoulder and took him home so he wouldn't have to stay in the shitty hole he was in

finney in the other hand locked his room and took out his pack of cigarettes and lit one up inhaling the smoke and blowing it out that's when he heard a boy he looked and saw robin with two older boys finney took a long drag then blew it out as some came out from his nose he heard his name being called js then

he look back down and saw robin calling him "finney!" robin waves to catch finneys attention finney was currently sitting on his window frame which was thick finney waved back as robin left to go with finney "hey!, why r u smoking late at night?" robin asked "cuz im bored" finney says and smiles and takes another

long drag and blowed it out to the side so it didn't hit robins face "robin, c'mon let's get home" a boy says "who's that?" finney asked as he sets out the cigarette "that's my brother fabian and that his friend david" robin says as finney nodded in response "hey who's that?" david had ask "a friend of mine!" robin says

as fabain and david got closer seeing finney smoking a cig "are u smoking?" fabian asked as finney put out the cigarette "mhm, it's fine" finney says as robin excitedly hugged him as finney hugged back "woah, robin was telling the truth" david says "what do you mean?" finney asks fabian looked up to david

"well, robin is it ok?" fabian asked robin to make sure if t was okay to tell as robin just nodded a yes "well robin would say he had friends but we couldn't see them and that's when we found out they were imaginary friends and we didn't believe he had actual friends until rn" david says finney eyes soften a bit

"oh, well i'm one of robins friend finney" finney says as we softly smiled robin stopped hugging him as he looks up robin seeing bruises "woah, what happened to robin?" finney asked "oh.." robin was all able to say

___________________________________hey sorry it's a short chapter and i'll make the next chapter about vance helping billy out y'know? dw it's not a vance x billy :)!
should i also make a tbp oneshots??

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