6. he was taken!

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no one's p0v

finney had went to go look for robins brother but not being able to find him anywhere that was until he saw robins brother friend "h-hey!" finney says as he was still sobbing his eyes puffy and read from crying "yo, whats- woah aren't you robins friend? what happened to you?" david had asked "r-robin!" finney says

"wait what about robin?" david asked confused and worried "he was taken!" finney sobbed out as he tried making sense "w-wait what do you mean?" david asked for sternly this time "s-some old man came as we were walking back to go to his house! a-and we were stopped bye this old guy" finney says

"a-and he said he was a part time magician but robin saw black balloons in his van and asked if they were and he got to curious and got to close and when the grabber open the back of his van he took out the balloons and sprayed something in his mouth to be sleepy or weak and i tried stopping him" finney says

"but he punch me and pushed to me to the ground" finney says as he panicked all of his words "WHAT" david shouts as he quickly got into his car "hurry get in" david says finney got in as he looked outside the window to see if he would find the van again

-with robin-

robin covered his legs as they were against his chest as he hugged them he couldn't sleep after the grabber was looking at him while sleeping robin tried to find a way to get out of this shit hole but it was no use its been three miserable days since he was taken robins mother was actually worried about robin

as fabian made missing poster to alert the town but it seemed no one had seem to care of course his friends cares especially finney he wouldn't stop looking for fabian or his friend to tell them what had happened robin flinch when he had heard the door open he hadn't drank soda in like a long time so it tasted weird he

glared at the grabber when he came close to robin "now pretty boy let's not glare before some thing bad will happen to you" the grabber says as he had both his top and bottom mask on "like what?" robin asked sternly befor the grabber walked over to him forcefully grabbing his wrist together "ow ow ow!" robin says

as pain went through his wrist he then felt a tear dropped from his face "understood?" the grabber says as he gripped tighter in his wrist robin was now crying that's gonna leave bruises "ok! ok! ok!" robin says as he tried to get out of the grabbers grip but that didn't work cause he ended up being pulled by the hair

robin winces in pain as the grabber being a pedophile he is mesmerize's robin "you look pretty when in tears" he says robin looked away disgusted at the grabber. the grabber soon let go of robins hair and wrist leavin the boy alone in pain "finney.. pls come.." robin whispers he looked around the basement finding a

toilet only he had an idea and hopefully it would work

-finney and the others-

as bruce tried talking to robin the phone had hunged up "shit! shit! SHIT!" bruce says as he agressively's drops the phone the others looked at him worried as finney tried contacting robin again js then gwen barged into the room scared "f-finney?" she says "gwen? what happened?" finney asked

"i had a dream.. not just any kind of dream. a dream. about robin." gwen says as she looks at them bruce quickly got up "what was it about!?" finney asked "he was on a bed mattress crying but then he g-got up and went to the other side which looked like a basement and found a toliet grabs the top thingy and started to breaking a wall.." gwen says

billy thought for a second "w-wait how did the basement look like!? did it have some sort of air vent? like a small thing where you can see the outside!?" bill asked as gwen nodded breathing rapidly finney goes over to her and hugs her "fuckin pedophile.." billy says "wait so you know where it is!?" griffen asked

"w-well not really i've only been there twice. only because so he can watch me when i was 10 but he would always tell me i was cute and pretty a-and he would throw me into his basement when ever i  was a 'bad boy' i told my dad and he didn't believe me after he set up cameras in his house" billy says

"he saw what he was doing to me and telling me so he never visited him ever again. i don't really  remember where he lives tho" billy says "wait.. gwen you saw robin in your dreams right?" vance says in a hush voice "y-yea why?" gwen had asked "do you think you can like get clues from you dream?" vance says



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