Chapter 12

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The next early morning, all the men of the house left town for some important work. Ved, Vidhi, and Naina were having breakfast prepared by Vikram.

Naina noticed Ved and Vidhi's sad expressions. She looked at their plates, which Vikram had specially prepared for them, perhaps knowing they would be saddened by his departure and the departure of the others.

However, she couldn't understand why neither of them talked to their father. She shook her head, deciding it wasn't the right time to dwell on that matter.

She smiled softly and said, "Don't worry, your dear bhaiya will be back soon from work!"

"Now finish your breakfast quickly, you have to go to college soon. Don't let this ruin your mood, okay?"

They started eating.

Ved went outside, and Naina followed him.

She spoke up, "By the way, do I look like a ghost to you?"

He suddenly looked at her, and she continued, "I mean, you guys don't talk to me, so I felt like I must look like a witch that scared you off." She was speaking seriously, and Ved could tell by her expression.

He quickly blurted out, "No, no... you're very beautiful and you cook very well, I mean your food is delicious."

Naina looked at him seriously, but seeing Ved's scared face, she couldn't help but laugh.

He looked at her in confusion but then realized she was playing a prank on him.

With a mischievous smile, Naina said, "There was no need to speak such a nice truth." He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.

Naina noticed he was now smiling.

Vidhi came over, and Naina said to both of them, "Come on now, you should go. If anything happens, call me. It's completely okay. Don't hesitate and take care of yourselves."

They both left. Vidhi looked at Ved and said irritably, "You’re smiling too much."

Ved replied, "I know you heard us."

"So what?"

"You didn't find it funny? I mean, such a beautiful girl and a ghost, seriously..." He couldn't help but laugh.

Vidhi started smiling too.

Ved looked at her and said, "Why are you smiling? If you told me you looked like a witch or a ghost, I would have believed it at least once."

Her smile vanished, and she glared at him. "What do you mean by saying I look like a witch to you?"

He looked serious and said, "Yes, you’re right."

"Because the witch would be insulted if I compared her to you."

She looked at him in shock, her mouth open to say something, but Ved, with a mischievous smile, started running. She chased after him, shouting.


Ishita walked out of the office canteen, sipping coffee during her break, lost in thought. As she was heading back inside, she collided with someone. She looked up and saw Aryan standing in front of her.

"Where are you lost? Somewhere in Vidyunt's dreams, hmm?" Aryan teased with a mischievous smile.

Her face turned bright red, like a tomato. "No, I was thinking about something else. It's nothing like that," she stammered.

"What were you thinking about then?"

"About Naina. I mean, she must be facing a lot of trouble. I don't think Vedansh and Vidhi have talked to her yet."

Aryan understood her concern and reassured her, "Don't worry, everything will be fine soon."

"Still, that girl has left everything behind. I understand Vedansh and Vidhi are also very hurt, but..." Ishita trailed off, clearly distressed.

"All this is because of that witch Diya. If she hadn't come into Sir's life and instilled so much fear in their minds..." she said, disappointed.

"I don't understand how Sir fell in love with her."

Aryan was about to respond but paused at her last comment. In his mind, he thought, "He never fell in love with her. He did all this for his brother and sister, but he never knew she would turn out like this." This was something only he knew because they were college friends. The others didn't know the full story, and it was better that way to prevent them from blaming themselves.

Aryan knew his friend wasn't the same person anymore, but he was determined to protect Vedansh and Vidhi, who were like his own children.

Coming out of his thoughts, he looked at the irritated Ishita and said, "Don't worry about Naina. Vikram isn't going to leave her side. He will always be there for her."

She looked at him confused and asked, "How do you know?"

"You don’t even know who chose that girl. Sir chose her to be his daughter-in-law. So relax, he knows what he's doing."

"It doesn't take him long to distinguish between a good and a bad person. He must have seen something special in Naina."

"Vikram knows his dad very well."


A car hurtles down the road at breakneck speed, finally screeching to a halt in front of a towering building. The car doors open, and three men emerge. The first strides confidently ahead, followed closely by the second, with the third trailing just behind. The two men following appear to be almost reflections of the leader, mimicking his every move with precise synchronicity.

A fourth man, stationed outside, notices the trio and promptly steps forward, guiding them to the second floor. The atmosphere is tense as they approach a room where an important meeting of senior officers is in progress.

As they enter, the room falls silent. The officers, recognizing the newcomers, rise from their seats in respect. Even the Chief Minister (CM), seated at the head of the table, acknowledges their presence with a nod.

The meeting resumes, the air thick with discussions about critical matters. Strategies are debated, plans laid out, and decisions made. The intensity in the room is palpable, a testament to the significance of the issues at hand.

With the business concluded, everyone stands. Hands are shaken, nods exchanged. Amidst this, a man who has been silently observing the entire proceeding from a corner steps forward. A faint smirk curls his lips as he approaches the group.

His steps are deliberate, almost predatory, as he makes his way to the forefront. Extending his hand with a mix of respect and calculated confidence, he says, "How are you, sir?"

The atmosphere crackles with unspoken tension, as if the very air is holding its breath, waiting for what comes next.


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