Chapter 17

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After breakfast, Vikram, who typically stays up late, falls asleep, likely due to fatigue. Naina, noticing his tiredness, quietly takes a book and retreats to the balcony, drawn by the pleasant post-rain weather.

As she settles on the sofa outside, a refreshing breeze brushes against her face. Throughout the day, she interacts with all three children, sensing Vidhi's growing connection with her, especially after a tender morning gesture.

Rajendra observes his children's positive attitudes towards Naina with satisfaction, now focusing his thoughts on Vikram and Naina's bond. He trusts Vikram implicitly, knowing he would never mistreat Naina.

Meanwhile, Vikram is pleased to witness his siblings' changing perceptions of Naina, adding to his own contentment.


The next morning, everyone heads to their respective jobs after breakfast. The two children go to their college, and Naina heads to her school.

In his office, Vikram reviews an important case file. The case involves high school students being coerced into drug addiction, often due to exam stress and the inability to communicate their problems to their parents.

Vikram closes the file, rubs his hands together, and hears a knock on the door. He invites the person to enter.

Ajit walks in and says, "Sir, I just got a call from an informant. They've identified some schools where this is happening."

Vikram is taken aback, having thought the victims were college students. He realizes something is seriously wrong.

Vikram nods at Ajit and says, "Call everyone to a meeting."

Ajit leaves to gather the team. Once everyone is assembled, Ajit shares the information. Rajendra listens and then questions, "How can this happen to schoolchildren?"

Vikram joins the meeting and asks, "Do you know the names of the schools?"

Ajit hesitates, looking uneasy. Vikram, in a stern voice, prompts, "Speak up, we don't have time."

Ajit hears Vikram's command and reveals the name of the school.

Upon hearing the name, the team sets out to investigate these schools for evidence. They visit two or three schools but find nothing suspicious. Despite this, Vikram leaves a few men at each location to keep watch.

Vikram asks Ajit, who is driving the car, "Is there any other place we haven't checked?"

Ajit responds, "Sir, we're heading to one more location," but doesn't specify the name. After a while, the car stops, and everyone gets out. Vikram and Vidyunt look at the school in front of them and are shocked.

Vikram turns to Vidyunt, who is also surprised. Vikram asks, "Is this the same school where the child was almost kidnapped?"

They notice that this school is significantly larger than the others. As they approach, a security guard stops them. Vikram identifies himself as an officer, and the guard allows them in.

Inside, they observe children roaming around, some asking questions to teachers, and others playing. This sight brings back memories of their own school days. Vikram and Aryan exchange glances, recalling their shared experiences-having fun with teachers, arriving late to school. They reflect on how wonderful childhood was, realizing that such carefree days are gone now that they are grown up.

Vikram asks a child for directions to the principal's office, and the child shows him the way. Just then, Naina exits the principal's office and accidentally collides with Vikram. She is about to fall, but Vikram catches her by the waist.

Naina immediately steps back without realizing who caught her and apologizes, "I'm sorry, sir, it was a mistake..." Then she looks up and sees Vikram.

As we were heading to the principal's office, Naina suddenly bumped into me and was about to fall, so I caught her. I was going to let go immediately, but when I saw it was Naina, I held on to ensure she didn't fall.

She stands up again and quickly steps back, still not noticing me. I hear a soft laugh behind me, but then Naina says, "I'm sorry, it happened so fast." She finally looks up and is shocked to see me.

She glances behind me, noticing the other people in our group.

Vikram turns around, signaling the others to go inside. They understand and leave. Naina, still surprised, asks, "You guys are here...?"

"We have some work," Vikram replies.

At that moment, the bell rings, and Naina, unsure of what to say next, quickly leaves. Vikram watches her go, then heads inside after a final glance at her.


At dinner time, Naina is making hot rotis. She notices that Vedansh has eaten less than usual.

After dinner, Naina goes to check on the children. She finds Vedansh lying on his bed and knocks on his door. Vedansh, suffering from a headache, has come straight to his room after dinner. Hearing the knock, he wonders who it could be, since Vidhi and his brothers usually come in without knocking. He turns his head and sees Naina at the door.

Seeing her, he sits up on the bed and says, "Come in." Naina enters and notices his tired face. She thinks to herself that these children won't tell her their problems unless she asks directly. She says, "What's wrong? Do you have a problem?"

Vedansh looks at Naina, wanting to tell her about his headache but hesitating because he doesn't want to trouble her. Naina takes a deep breath and says, "If you have any problem, you can tell me. You've called me your sister, so treat me like one."

Feeling guilty for not opening up sooner, Vedansh lowers his head and says, "My head hurts."

Naina leaves the room, and Vedansh assumes she left because she doesn't care about his problems. He feels a pang of sadness, thinking that maybe Naina isn't different from others. But as he lies back down on the bed, he can't shake the feeling that there might be more to her actions.


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