Chapter 29

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A day later, a private plane touched down at the airport, and Rajendra emerged with all his children. The arrival attracted attention, as they were escorted by vigilant bodyguards, with numerous vehicles waiting to transport them.

Rajendra accompanied Vidhi in one car, while Vidyut and Vedansh took another. Vikram and Naina departed together for the mansion.

As they drove, Naina gazed out the window, reflecting on how surreal her current situation was. Just a day earlier, if someone had told her she would be part of the esteemed Raghuvanshi family, she would have dismissed it with laughter. The Raghuvanshi name epitomized wealth, culture, and tradition—a royal family renowned for their opulence and heritage.

Naina felt a mix of nervousness and curiosity as they drove through Rajasthan, her first time visiting. She couldn't help but wonder about the vastness and the people she would soon meet. Why had Vikram and everyone else spent so many years in Mumbai? It was a question lingering in her mind as she watched Rajasthani men in turbans walking alongside camels. She noticed school children joyfully playing with their parents nearby.

Turning another corner, she was struck by the sight of meticulously cared-for trees of various kinds. The landscape was captivating, unlike anything she had seen before. Soon, a grand gate came into view, and as it opened, their car entered the premises revealing a magnificent mansion.

The mansion stood majestic and beautiful, a testament to the grandeur of the Raghuvanshi family. Naina couldn't help but marvel at its splendor as their journey to Rajasthan unfolded before her eyes.

The palace in Rajasthan was adorned with magnificent decorations. Maya, along with her husband and Adhiraj, anxiously awaited the return of their son and grandchildren after many years. However, this time, there was an additional arrival—the bride of their elder grandson, whose marriage had taken place without their presence.

Excitement buzzed in the air as everyone eagerly anticipated meeting the girl who had captured their hearts. Suddenly, they spotted a convoy of cars entering the mansion grounds. As the cars came to a stop, everyone emerged one by one.

Rajendra took a deep breath, feeling a rush of nostalgia as he gazed at the mansion that held so many cherished memories and appeared unchanged over the years. With a sense of purpose, he began walking towards the main door, followed closely by the rest of the family.

Vikram looks at Naina, noticing her nervousness, though she tries to hide it. As he steps outside, he feels everyone’s eyes on him. He walks to Naina's side and opens the door for her. Bending down, he covers her face with her veil and extends his hand towards her. She glances at him and then at his hand before slowly placing hers in his. Vikram holds her hand firmly as Naina steps out of the car.

The royal family watches them closely, observing how Vikram holds Naina’s hand. They move forward together, and as instructed earlier, the servants begin to shower them with flowers to welcome the bride into the house for the first time.

"Wait..." Vidya stops them as they reach the door.

They halt. The servants bring a plate, and Maya steps forward to take it. Tears glisten in her eyes as she looks at Vikram and then performs the aarti for both of them. Afterward, Naina tilts a Kalash using her right foot and enters. Maya then asks Naina to step into a plate filled with red vermillion water.

Naina recalls her first entry into the house and how her father and everyone welcomed her. She follows Maya’s instructions, entering the house and leaving red footprints behind. Inside, she glimpses the grand hall from under her veil.

Vikram still holds Naina's hand as they approach each family member to receive blessings one by one.


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