Chapter 14

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Once Rajendra falls asleep, Vikram quietly leaves his room and heads upstairs. He enters his room, closes the door, and changes into more comfortable clothes. Returning to the bed, he lies down and notices Naina sleeping on her stomach, which strikes him as unusual. He gently moves his hand towards her, lifting the blanket from her face, and sees dried tears on her cheeks.

Alarmed, he immediately sits up and pulls the blanket away from her body, revealing that Naina is clutching her stomach. Realizing she is likely suffering from menstrual cramps, he knows what to do. He heads down to the kitchen, opens a cabinet, and takes out some oil. Heating it gently on the stove, he then returns to their room.

After locking the door from the inside, he goes to Naina, sits beside her, and covers her with the blanket. Carefully, he pulls up her T-shirt slightly from the back, applies the warm oil to his hands, and begins massaging her lower back under the blanket.

As the soothing warmth of the oil and the gentle pressure of his hands work their magic, Naina lets out a soft sigh of relief. Her face, which had been tense with pain, relaxes.

While massaging, Vikram can't help but notice the contrast between his rough hands and her smooth skin. Suddenly, Naina murmurs in her sleep, "I love you very much, Rasu..." She is confusing Vikram for her friend Rasika, who used to comfort her in the same way.

Vikram pauses, a mixture of emotions washing over him. He realizes that in her vulnerable state, Naina is finding comfort in the memory of her friend. He sighs softly, lowers her T-shirt, and gently withdraws his hands.

He heads to the washroom to wash his hands, then returns to bed. Lying down beside Naina, he tenderly wipes away her dried tears, watching her with a mix of affection and protectiveness. After a while, he too falls asleep, comforted by the thought that Naina is finally resting peacefully.


The next morning, Vikram awakens to find Naina sleeping beside him. He rises from bed, draws the curtains shut, and proceeds to freshen up, changing into different clothes before heading downstairs for his morning workout routine. After exercising for a while, he heads back upstairs to shower before returning downstairs to prepare breakfast for everyone.

As Vikram is cooking, Vidyut enters the kitchen and notices his brother at work. "Brother, how do you manage to wake up so early without getting tired?" he asks, with a hint of envy.

Vikram glances at him and replies, "I'm not as lazy as you."

Curiously, Vidyut looks around the kitchen nervously. Vikram notices his brother's demeanor and inquires what's wrong.

Looking hesitant, Vidyut stammers, "B-Bhabhi isn't here..."

Concern flashes across Vikram's face as he realizes Vidyut's worry. "She's still sleeping," he clarifies.

Alarmed, Vidyut exclaims, "Why? Is she unwell? We need to take her to the hospital!" He starts to rush out of the kitchen but stops abruptly, turning back to Vikram.

"How could you be in the kitchen when she's not feeling well? What kind of husband are you? You should be with her!" Vidyut admonishes.

Annoyed, Vikram retorts, "It's taken care of. Do I need to explain further, or is there something else?"

Before Vidyut can respond, Vikram interrupts, "She's not sick, she's just sleeping in." He hands Vidyut a tray of tea and instructs him to take it to their father.





Naina awoke to find herself shocked by the time displayed on the clock. Recalling a night spent in pain, she realized she had overslept. Rushing to the bathroom for a quick shower, she lamented, "I'll be late for school today."

Meanwhile, Vikram entered the room with Naina's breakfast, setting it on the table as he heard the shower running. Engrossed in his phone, he remained oblivious to Naina's presence until she caught sight of him in the mirror.

Startled, Naina turned to find Vikram quietly seated, gesturing towards the table where her food awaited. Following his indication, she joined him on the sofa, hastily consuming her meal.

Surprised by his sudden appearance, she inquired, "When did you arrive?"

Vikram, still absorbed in his device, calmly replied, "Late last night."

Observing Naina's hurried pace, Vikram advised her to eat slowly, to which she responded, mouth full, "No time, must hurry."

Upon finishing her meal, Naina attempted to clear the table, but Vikram insisted on handling it himself, urging her to wash up as he volunteered to drive her to school.

Baffled by his unexpected kindness, Naina mused, "I'm on my period, what's gotten into him?"


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