Chapter 22

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Vikram sat beside Mahesh, his concern evident as he observed his deteriorating health. Despite his condition, Mahesh mustered the strength to address Vikram, "Son, you want to take Naina..." Before he could finish, Vikram interjected, "No, I've just come to meet you."

"Okay, so I am leaving now," Mahesh conceded, acknowledging Vikram's presence.

Meanwhile, Naina arrived just as Vikram was preparing to leave for the office. As she entered the room, her eyes met Vikram's, who was already gazing at her.

"Naina beta, escort Vikram outside till the gate," Mahesh's voice interrupted their silent exchange, prompting them to step out together.

"Ji," Naina acknowledged, following Vikram's lead as they walked to the gate. Vikram glanced at her wrist, then, in his customary reserved manner, announced, "I'm leaving." Naina, with her captivating black eyelashes, met his gaze, nodding in understanding.

There was an unspoken depth in Vikram's gaze, as if he carried a multitude of emotions he longed to express to her. He moved forward, Naina's eyes trailing his every move, until he suddenly turned back and approached her. Closing the distance, he met her eyes, leaned in, and placed a tender kiss on her forehead.

Naina watched as Vikram approached, a sense of anticipation building within her. But when he turned to her and tenderly kissed her forehead, she froze, caught off guard by the intimacy of the gesture. They lingered in that moment, Vikram gently rubbing her wrist, until an interruption broke their reverie—a fake cough from someone nearby.

Startled, they both moved away from each other, their eyes meeting Rasika's mischievous gaze. Vikram, without saying a word, left the scene, leaving Naina to grapple with the embarrassment alone.

As Naina tried to compose herself, Rasika couldn't resist teasing her. "Hmm, what's the matter, a kiss is going on," she taunted, enjoying Naina's discomfort. Naina's cheeks burned crimson as she awkwardly adjusted her clothes, insisting, "What kissing? He only kissed my forehead."

Rasika dramatically feigned shock, teasingly suggesting, "Did you want a kiss on the lips from my brother-in-law?" Naina's eyes widened in disbelief, her mouth agape at the audacity of the remark.

Refusing to let Rasika escalate the situation, Naina shot her a defiant look, silently daring her to continue. With a smirk, they both retreated indoors.

Alone in her room, Naina's phone buzzed with a message, her heart racing as she approached the bed to check it. It was a voice message from Vikram. "Did you want a kiss somewhere else, hmm? Well, there was no need to tell my sister-in-law; you could have told me directly, next time," his playful voice teased.

Naina's face flushed crimson, feeling an unfamiliar surge of shyness. She closed her eyes, her heart fluttering at the teasing tone in Vikram's voice. A newfound warmth blossomed within both of them, signaling the awakening of a deeper connection.


Naina had been enjoying blissful days with her father, but the time to return to her in-laws' house was fast approaching. With Mahesh also feeling better, she began packing her belongings, anticipating her departure the next day. As the night grew late, Vikram and Naina engaged in conversation, albeit interrupted by Vikram's demanding work schedule. Despite his busy routine, Vikram made it a point to call Naina daily, a ritual that had become a comforting habit for both of them.

As Naina finished packing and set her bag aside, she heard the sound of wind howling outside, its intensity growing near the windows. Reacting swiftly, she hastened to close the windows, shutting out the unsettling noise.

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