Chapter 41

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"They sit in the car and leave for the temple with Kabir's mother and father they're accompanying her. At that time Ranvijay had also come with Shweta. They also leave for the temple behind them."

"But in the fire of revenge, Veer was yearning to take revenge. He was insulted in front of everyone. As Rajendra beat him in front of everyone, his respect was ruined. He wanted someone close to him to go away from him and feel that pain."

"They are going to the temple and Chaya's car passes ahead where a big truck is waiting for them. And that truck quickly hits that car and quickly drives away from there. Ranvijay comes out of the car and sees this scene, he quickly takes him to the hospital.  Everyone was quickly taken to the hospital but no one's life was saved."

"On the other hand, after hearing this news, Maya who is on the stairs hears it and she becomes unconscious and falls down from stairs. We got her admitted to the hospital. But child die."

"Rajendra was very lost in his grief and everything here was reminding him of the chaya. It seems as if all the happiness has been shattered in a moment."

"But as soon as Adhiraj came to know that it was a conspiracy. He wanted to see him suffering due to which the condition of his son and family is like this. Ranvijay traced that truck through the cameras installed on the road. After catching that driver, we came to know that all this was done by that worthless veer."

Adhiraj gave him the harshest punishment beat him until his soul trembles and then handed him over to the police.

Because of that we lost the lives of three people. And one child(kabir) became orphan. Four children lost their mother.

Rajendra was not in his senses for some days. I can't see my child like this. Adhiraj tried to convince him many times. Then when he could no longer bear it, he went to another place to live with his children. And he got so engrossed in his work that he forgot to give time to his children. He used to give time but not as much as he would give to a child.

Vikram saw his mother's funeral pyre burning in front of his eyes. We knew that he would miss his mother the most. To support his father, he started taking care of his siblings himself. As long as Ved and Vidhi were small, Rajendra agreed to have some nannies with them.

He knew how much his father loved his mother. We thought of taking care of them from a distance so that they do not face any problems. Whenever he went somewhere, some of Adhiraj's bodyguards would follow him from a distance. Got admission for them in the best schools and colleges.

On the other hand, Maya could not become a mother for a few years, she was under so much tension. We consulted the best doctor and his condition improved somewhat. A few years later, Aarav was born, after that we all started living happy to keep the child and maya happy.

She stops after saying everything; tears well up in her eyes. Naina and Maya also have tears in their eyes.

Vikram is feeding Vidyut with his hands in the hospital. He is making faces after eating that food but Vikram is force-feeding him.

"What tasteless food are you feeding me bhai!"

"Don't make a face and eat, you have to take medicine too, you will have to eat this only for a few days."

Hearing Vikram's strict voice, he eats quickly. Naina chuckled. He completely refused to eat in front of me and now started eating in front of his bhai.

"Oh man, where was I eating such delicious food made by from my sweet bhabhi and where was this...!!"

He gives him medicine.

The children had arrived some time ago when everyone started asking again and again where everyone was. Seeing this condition of Vidyunt they became very sad. But Vikram takes care of them and Tells them not to worry and asks them to go home.

"Bhabhi, please cook delicious food for me when I recover."

"Ofcourse sir" Naina says smilingly "and you have some more requests."

"Noo...." He grinned.

Vikram looks at both of them and shakes his head, smiling.

By doing this, a few days pass and Vidyunt is brought home. That still took some time to get completely fine, so Vikram made preparations at home to take care of him. He doesn't feel like lying on the bed, so Ved Vidhi Aarav and Ruhi keep him company by playing games with him. So that he doesn't get bored. It took a few more days and then he was completely cured. Dadi had organized a puja for the peace of the house.

Vikram comes to his room and sees Naina picking out clothes for him. Naina has been picking out clothes for him for the past few days and he gets very tired after coming. He goes near her and hugs her from behind, placing his head on her shoulder.

Naina gets a shy smile on her face. Seeing this, Vikram also laughs.

"I want to tell you something..."


"Vidyunt likes a girl."

Naina widens her eyes and her mouth remains open in amazed, She pushes him and looks back at him asks very excitedly, “What.., who is she!”

Vikram thinks after so many days, we have chance to hug each other but he pushed me away. He responds to her excitement by withdrawing his desire.

"Her name is Ishita, she works with us."

"Wow, I mean, they were having an office romance while escaping from their angry boss." Naina said chuckled and gets very excited in her mind and thinks about their love story.

But she has said it out loud and not in her mind, which Vikram is surprised to hear and stares at her.

"What did you say..."

Naina looks at him and hides the smile on her face and says lovingly “What!”

He raises his eyebrows and places his hand on the wall. "The same thing you were saying just now."

"ok that...sorry" She places her hand on his cheek and comes close to him and kisses his cheeks.

Vikram taken back seeing her kissing his cheeks he became just little shy. Naina looks into his eyes, Vikram is also looking at her, he comes near her and kisses her forehead.

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