Thank you

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Hello cutie ❤️❤️

First of all thank you for being a part of this small journey. I sincerely thank whoever read this story and liked it even a little bit.

Many thanks to those who voted, those who commented, those who did not, and those who remained silent readers thanks to them too.

I don't know what I have written because when I started, my thoughts for it were different but when I finished, they were different. I am not that great a writer, I might have made a lot of mistakes but I learned a lot in this journey.

This story needs a little editing, which I will do later and some parts will also be added. This was my first story so I had some problem in writing it but hopefully you all liked it.

Whoever did not vote, please do so and leave a comment so that I can know your thoughts. I didn't know that my readers would be introverts like me 🤭🤔😏😂 because I am a very introvert person.

As for the next story, I am currently working on it. So see you in the next story.

Last thing, if you guys didn't want to follow me then don't do it, take some time. But don't unfollow later it'll hurts.

Thank you ❤️❤️

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