Chapter 25

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Vikram approaches Mahesh and is about to speak when Vedansh arrives and takes Naina away for some urgent matter.

Mahesh notices Vikram's hesitation and asks, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Vikram is unsure whether to inquire or not, but the question lingers in his thoughts, prompting him to speak up. "I overheard your conversation just now," he admits, his expression revealing his shock at the revelation.

"How..." Vikram begins to ask, unable to comprehend the news.

"When Naina was just 6 months old, my brother and sister-in-law, who were Naina's parents, passed away in an accident," Mahesh explains calmly.

Vikram is taken aback by the revelation, struggling to accept the truth. "But... why didn't I know about this?" he asks, feeling bewildered.

"I thought Rajendra ji had informed you about everything," Mahesh replies. "I had already shared all the details with him."

Feeling a sense of confusion and unease, Vikram decides to escort Mahesh inside, leaving behind his unanswered questions for the moment.


Vikram enters Ved's room upon hearing Naina's voice, and he finds Vidhi and Vidyunt engaged in a conversation on one side of the room. On the other side, Ansh is lying with his head in Naina's lap, eyes closed while she gently runs her hand through his hair, soothing him. Naina appears torn between listening to Vidhi's assertion and Vidyunt's defense.

"No, Bhabhi, I'm telling the truth. Bhai was definitely looking at some girl at the party," Vidhi insists.

On the other hand, Vidyunt appears a bit nervous as he tries to explain, "No, Bhabhi, it's not like that. I was just observing the guests."

Vikram chuckles softly at Vidyunt's feeble attempt to explain himself.

He observes the contrasting energy levels in the room—Vidhi and Vidyunt full of vigor and enthusiasm, while Ved appears tired. Naina also seems fatigued, yet she patiently listens to her siblings' banter, despite knowing it's nonsensical.

Vikram intervenes, putting an end to the siblings' bickering. "Enough is enough. It's late now. Go to your rooms and get some sleep," he instructs firmly.

Vidyunt lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, brother saved me today. Otherwise..."

Vidhi silently retreats to her room, while Vidyunt turns to Vikram, adopting a melodramatic expression as he hugs him tightly. "Thanks, brother. Love you," he whispers before leaving.

Naina observes the interaction between the brothers with a suspicious look in her eyes. Once Vidyunt leaves, she shifts her attention back to Ved, whose head is still resting in her lap.

After the siblings depart, Vikram approaches Naina and sits beside them on the bed. He gazes at Ansh, the calmest of their children, and gently caresses his forehead. Sensing Ved's relaxation at his touch, Vikram leans down and plants a kiss on his forehead. Ved instinctively holds onto Vikram's hand, and both Vikram and Naina smile at the scene.

As Vikram releases his hand from Naina's grip, she adjusts the pillow, and before she can do so, Vikram carefully positions Ved's head for him to sleep more comfortably. After covering him with a blanket, Vikram notices Naina closing the window.

"Let's go," he suggests, signaling that it's time for them to retire for the night.

As they reach the gate, Vikram closes it and Naina prepares to climb the stairs. Suddenly, she finds herself lifted into the air, a startled sound escaping her lips as Vikram scoops her up into his arms, carrying her upstairs. Feeling a mix of fear and surprise, Naina instinctively wraps one hand around Vikram's neck and the other on his shoulder.

About to voice her thoughts, Naina is silenced by Vikram's words. "Shh, let me take care of my wife," he says gently, his gaze meeting hers as he continues to carry her.

She looks into Vikram's eyes, blinking in surprise, and he begins to speak again. "Feel free to watch me later, wife. I'm yours only. If I start watching, my balance will get disturbed."

Naina's cheeks flush with embarrassment at Vikram's words, and she looks down, unable to meet his gaze.

Vikram carries Naina in his arms to their room and gently places her on the bed. "Sleep now," he advises softly before heading to close the gate.

Returning to their room, Vikram settles down on his side of the bed, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight streaming through the window. Naina lies beside him, both of them enveloped in the tranquility of the night, ready to drift off into peaceful slumber together.


The next morning, everyone gathers around the table for breakfast. After they finish eating, Vikram approaches Naina and says, "Listen, I'll be home early today. Let me know if you need anything." He hopes she'll share a preference or request.

Busy in the kitchen, Naina replies, "Nothing."

As Vikram prepares to leave, he hears Naina's sweet voice calling out, "Suniye..."

"Yes? Sunaiye," Vikram responds in the same tone, turning to look at her.

"Ji, Vo aap kaam se aate waqt dhaniya lete aana..." Naina requests softly.

(When you come home from work, please bring coriander for the vegetable.)

Hearing this, Vikram, who had been watching her, mutter to himself, "Dhaniya," as he leaves for work.

Vikram leaves the house and encounters Vidyunt, who sports a mischievous grin. Donning his glasses, Vikram settles into the car as Vidyunt starts driving, humming a tune that irritates Vikram, aware that Vidyunt is teasing him.

"Just shut up now," Vikram retorts after enduring the humming for a while. Upon reaching their destination, Vikram prepares to exit the car when Vidyunt remarks, "By the way, brother, I didn't realize you'd be so vulnerable in matters of love. You've really embarrassed me."

"I thought Bhabhi would say something like, 'Baby, bring me a ring,' or 'Darling, get me a necklace,'" Vidyunt quips, mimicking Diya.

Vikram chuckles at his brother's antics before stepping out of the car.

Observing their departure, Vidyunt remarks to himself, "Oh Bhabhi, you should have asked for his heart. Brother looked so downcast."

Vikram enters his cabin and retrieves his phone, which displays a photo sent by Vidyut. In the image, Vikram and Naina are seen dancing closely, with Naina stealing glances at Vikram. As he admires the picture, his attention is diverted by an incoming call.

"Dadi..." he notes, acknowledging the caller ID before answering the phone.


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