Chapter 2

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*3 A.M.*

Fatima woke up gasping for air out of her sleep. Zac felt her and woke up right along with her.

Fatima usually calls Zac around this time because she always has dreams about her mother.

Denzel normally has to run in the room for her to be able to sleep.

Fatima stood up off of the bed. Zac came over to her and hugged her. "It's okay."

"I should've held her tighter" Fatima said crying

" Ti, you were 8. You didn't know. Your mother loves you, but maybe she had some things to work out. She just left and never came back, but she may come looking for you. She's always told you that she loves you." He said wiping her tears

"She doesn't love me Zac. If she did, she wouldn't have left me or dad."

"Listen, it's okay. You know that she loved you." He pointed at a picture on the wall of her mother. "She's still got her eyes on you. Always." He kissed her forehead

Little did they know, Denzel was standing at the door. He walked off. He realized that Zac had her.

"You want to lay back down, or do you want to stay up for some time?"

"I want to lay down. As long as I can cuddle with you"

"You've been cuddling with me since elementary school. We can always cuddle."

They both laid down and went back to sleep. Denzel came back ten minutes later and realized that they didn't have any covers on them.

He put covers on them and closed the door.

*11 A.M.*

Zac and Fatima ended up waking up at the same time. They did their whole morning routine together, except shower.

They both showered and put their clothes on for the day. It was the winter time, so they didn't really want to go anywhere.

Denzel knocked on the room door.

"Come in" Fatima said

"I'm glad that both of you are up. I need to talk to both of you before I go to work."

"Please don't tell me that he has to leave right now." She said

"No, he doesn't. He can stay as long as he wants, or until his father calls him home. I wanted to talk to you guys about dating."

"Dating?!" They both questioned

"Yes. Now, I told Fatima that she could date at 16, but I ended up prolonging it. I really don't like boys around her."

"I know. I came home the same day that you told me that and ranted to Zac about it."

"Y'all be talking shit about me?" Denzel asked

"No, but she does speak her mind freely. Judgement free zone" Zac said

"Right" she leaned on his shoulder

"She's allowed to date now. Not just anybody, BUT she is allowed to date."

"What do you mean not just anybody?" She asked

"You know what I mean" he said, "I'm going to work now. Y'all better behave. I'm leaving y'all here until I get back."

They said their goodbyes to Denzel. He left the house to go to work.

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