Chapter 5

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Pauletta ended up driving home. Taraji and Fatima talked the whole way to the house. They all came in.

"I'm guessing the meet went well" Denzel said

"I didn't even have to introduce them. They damn near besties"Pauletta said, "I just stopped over here for a few minutes."

Fatima and Taraji both frowned their faces up.

"Why y'all looking like that?" Pauletta asked

"Can everybody stay please? I want to have a girl talk with my sister" Fatima said

"Yes, please? We have to catch up on 17 years of life." Taraji said

"It's up to you" Denzel said looking at Pauletta



Pauletta showed Taraji the guest room upstairs while Denzel and Fatima were downstairs.

"Dad, I have to tell you something. You know that I can't hide secrets from you" Fatima said

"Yes. What is it?"

"Me and Zac had our first kiss today."


"Yes, our first kiss. Neither one of us has kissed anyone else. I wanted to tell you. If you're mad, I apologize."

"I'm not mad. I'm actually surprised that it was the first kiss. I'm happy for you guys."


"Yes. I can't be disappointed in you for a kiss. I actually like you and Zac together."

Fatima hugged Denzel. Pauletta walked in the room.

"You can't kiss me on the cheek anymore dad. You kissed my mom."

"I guess we're even because you kissed Zac."

"Ohh" Pauletta said, "you told him on your own."

"You knew?" Denzel asked

"Yes, but I wasn't going to say anything."

"I'm sick of y'all keeping secrets."

"Well, I'm about to go upstairs and talk to my sister. It's been a great day."

Fatima went upstairs and Taraji was on her way downstairs.

"Girl, I need to talk to you." Taraji said

"I was just coming upstairs to talk to you" Fatima said

They went in Fatima's room.

"What happened?"

"It's this girl that I met today, and I like her. I know we just met, but I really like her."

"Like her as a friend or something more?"

"Something more. Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but it's my truth."

"It doesn't make me uncomfortable. What's her name?"


"Wait, were you the girl that was sitting on the opposite side of the gym today? She walked over there."


"Well girl, she likes you too. She's my friend. She came over smiling from ear to ear. Get to know each other. As a matter of fact, I want you both to come to the Christmas lights with me and my -" Fatima paused because she didn't know what to call her relationship with Zac. They were somewhere in between best friend and in a relationship.

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