Chapter 27: Those Who Love You, Never Really Leave You

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Cartman and I had cleaned up the mess we had created in the living room, as well the one that had already existed upon my arrival. We organized and sorted out all of Liane's prescriptions, labeling them with easier to comprehend descriptions, and we put them up and out of easy reach in the newly tidied up medicine cabinet above the bathroom sink.

As I stepped back and took a look at all the pills that we had lined up in the cabinet, my heart began to ache. (I'm sure you could figure out why.)

Cartman had announced that he was going to take a quick shower because he had smelt like "roadkill and pure ass' love child," (his words, not mine,) and welcomed me to any snack in the kitchen and Star Trek on the T.V downstairs. I kindly took the offer and then decided to stay so I could accompany him on his walk to the bus stop later on.

While I had full intentions on just going straight back downstairs to the living room to wait, I instead wandered throughout the house a bit, specifically the upstairs hallway. I examined every photo on the wall, smiling sadly at the fact that they were just of Cartman and Liane, and occasionally giggling to myself over Cartman's baby pictures.

I knew it was wrong to do, but I couldn't help being a tad bit nosey, so I quietly opened up Cartman's room to have a quick look at it. The walls were painted a dark, eggplant color purple, and they were all blank except for the small flag above his bed that had his last name engraved into it. His room seemed smaller than I had expected, but I'm pretty sure it was only because his king sized bed took up the majority of the space it had to offer. I walked inside and over towards the window, watching as floating dust particles danced around me in the light. I peeked outside and saw that it had started to snow, and I huffed out in irritation over the fact that I'd eventually have to walk home in it.

I wasn't in there for very long, only long enough to check things out. When I had exited the room, I made sure to slowly and carefully shut the door so I wouldn't make any noise that would get me caught. But completely unaware of who had been watching me from across the hall, I turned around and froze at the sight of Liane's door being fully opened to where we could see each other.

She had been propped up on some pillows that were stacked behind her head and was she lying under thick woven bedcovers. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun to keep out of her face and away from the healing stitches on her forehead. Her left arm was in a sling, and she was dressed in what I assumed to be pajama's.

"Why hello," she called out, her dull, chapped lips pulling up into a friendly smile. "Well, don't be shy sweetheart. Come in! Come in!"

"Uh, hi Miss C-Cartman," I answered nervously, embarrassed over the fact that I had just gotten busted for snooping, and out the fear of not knowing how Cartman would feel about me talking to his mother.

I quickly tiptoed into her room before hesitantly approaching her. She gestured for me to sit, pointing at the small stool that had been placed directly next to her bedside and nightstand. I figured that was where Cartman would sit when he tended to Liane's needs, or just simply wanted to sit and visit with her.

I sat down as she asked the question, "How are you doing Tweek?"

I paused, taken back at the fact that she had remembered my name. The first time I had talked to her, she was drunk beyond comprehension, and I had figured that she had blocked out any recollection of the night of her attack considering how traumatic it was, but no. She instantly recognized me.

"You remember me?" I asked in disbelief.

She laughed out loud at my question, her swollen nose scrunching and greenly bruised eyes squinting.

"Of course I do," she said, reaching out to grab ahold of my hand. "How could I forget the boy who saved my life?"

I gave her a small and fragile smile, trying my best not to let the thoughts of that night take over.

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