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Gavi looked in that direction as Pedri called out to his sister.
Of the many people, which one resembled Pedri the most?
He was fascinated when he looked in the direction of the voice.
She was beautiful.
Although Pedri had often told him about his sister and his beauty since they had met him, it was clear that he had not expected this long.
Pedri had mentioned her so much that he thought she was 6 at first, but when he found out she was 18, he was of course a little shocked.
"Mi belleza."
After the two of them hugged, Pedri turned to Gavi.
"Pablo this is Estella, Estella this is Pablo."
Gavi offered her a hand as Estella gave him a small smile.
Shortly after Estella shook Gavi's hand, she immediately pulled away.
Gavi understood that she had trouble meeting people.
Which Pedri also mentioned.
"Let's go."
Estella quickly followed suit as Pedri advanced.
"Can I stay with you until I find a hotel?"
Pedri turned to her in horror.
"Stay forever if you want, Ella, what do you mean hotel?"
"I don't want to be a burden, Pedro."
"You know it won't happen."
He nodded slowly.
As Pedri's eyes searched for his friend, he saw Gavi walking behind.
"You're coming, aren't you?"
Gavi hesitated.
Maybe he should have left them alone to quench their longing.
"Pablo cooks very well."
When Estella turned to him, Gavi felt like time stood still.
She wanted to stay there forever and watch his eyes.
"You were playing well, at the game."
Gavi smiled at her.
"And me?"
Estella chuckled as Pedri spoke.
"You are perfect too, Pedro."

I wanted to leave something short for the introduction
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