Trece | Madrid

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After Pablo changed his shoes, he slipped his phone into his pocket and stroked his sleeping girlfriend's hair and left a kiss.
"I'll be attending dinner, then I'll take you on a date."
"Oh is it?"
"Yeah, there's something for you in the cupboard."

Estella nodded, listening to her babbling older brother at the same time.
"Am I saying it wrong?"
"No, Pedro, you're right. What do you want me to do?"
"I don't want you to do anything, so you can actually tread on him a little."
"Alright Pedro."
"By the way, Fernando is coming here for the holidays."
"Good-who did you say is coming?"
"I'm going to Madrid."
"You have to talk to him, Ella."
"No I'm not, hang up. I'll look for the ticket."
"Ella just listen-"
She paused for a few moments when Estella hung up.
She then bought a ticket to the nearest time.
"Hey André."
"Hey, would you call?"
André frowned when Estella didn't laugh.
"Is there a problem?"
"Yeah actually I'm down on you, do you mind if I stay with you for a few weeks?"
"Of course you can stay, but is everything okay?"
"Can we talk when we come?"
"Sure, when will you come?"
"Tomorrow morning?"
"Okay. See you, belleza."
"See you later."

"So what are we going to do tomorrow?"
"I'm leaving tomorrow morning, Pablo."
"Why? I thought we'd come back together."
"I'm going to Madrid."
"Don't say Madrid, I'm sick to my stomach. And why?"
"A little vacation."
"How much?"
"I didn't think."
Until Fernando leaves.
"I thought Pedri was going to early practice."
"He will be in Tenerife."
"I'm confused, what are you doing in Madrid?"
"I want a vacation."
"Not alone, with André."
"Who's he?"
"My friend, from elementary school."
"Why don't you come to Ibiza with me?"
"You didn't propose to me."
"I didn't think it was necessary, you can come if you want."
"No, I promised André."
Pablo sighed.

I've made changes that you'll understand when you read about Pablo's vacation in Ibiza.
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