Diecisiete | Romper

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One Week Later

thebestofAndré: @GabrielJamess @Estella_Gonzalez

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thebestofAndré: @GabrielJamess @Estella_Gonzalez

"Estella, what are you trying to do?"
Estella frowned at Gavi's words over the phone.
"What are you saying?"
"I hate your fucking friends."
"Pablo speak properly."
"What Pablo? Who is Pablo? Damn it Estella I'm your boyfriend, your boyfriend!"
"What's wrong with them?"
"It's you! Where did it come from to sit on his lap!?"
"Oh, it's okay when you go and take a picture with Ana, but is it okay when I do?"
"Ana wasn't in my lap, Estella! It's not the same thing!"
"Yeah because she was giving you a lap dance!"
"You're exaggerating!"
"You're the one exaggerating, Pablo."
Her voice was broken towards the end.
It was devastating for him to tell her that.
She couldn't hold back her tears in the short silence.
"Only the car was for two..."
She whispered.
It wasn't so silly.
While she couldn't help her sobs, regret filled Pablo's heart.
"I shouldn't have trusted you, I'm an idiot."
Pablo felt tears welling up in his eyes as her crying got louder.
"Baby I-"
"Don't call me baby... I can't go on with this..."
"What- what are you saying? Estella-"
"I love you so much... damn it... why did you do that?"
"I just..."
"I want to take a break, I- I-"
They both burst into sobs when Estella couldn't continue and hung up the call.

"Honey, what happened baby?"
"Did he call you?"
"No, but Aurora said he locked himself in his room. She also said he was crying. What happened?"
Estella gasped as she explained everything that had happened.
"Do you want me to talk to him? Or something else?"
"Don't be bad with him because of me. Talk to him."
"Everything's going to be okay, okay? We'll be okay, we always have been."

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