Dieciocho | Discurso

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"You can't do that, Pablo, you won't get anywhere by locking yourself in the room. Also, answer me."
Pablo tried not to hear the sounds as he pressed the pillow against his head.
"Pablo Paéz Gavira! Oh my god Marls is acting more mature than you!"

Andréloopee: y los viejos habitos vuelven

Pablo's eyes filled with tears again as he looked at the photograph.
"Your dinner is at the door!"
He sighed when he heard his sister's voice.
He stood up and looked at himself in the mirror as he walked to the door.
His face was sunken, his hair was dirty, his beard was starting to grow.
He was miserable.
How was Estella?
He was going to talk to Pedri.
She bent down to open the door and get her food.
"Oh my god you look terrible."
"Leave me alone."
"Pedri is here, he wants to see you, but I think it'd be better if I told him you're dead."
"What, I'm coming."
As soon as Aurora was about to say something, she gave up.
It would be better to leave it alone.
Gavi tried to straighten his dirty hair a little as he went downstairs.
When he went to Pedri, who was sitting in the living room, Pedri turned to him.
He frowned.
"What did you do to yourself man?"
"He hasn't showered, eaten, taken care of, not trained for the past week."
Aurora sorted it out briefly, then went into the kitchen.
"He just wanted a break."
"It seemed like more than a break, I was an idiot. I had no right to talk to him like that."
"She cries whenever I call her. You should talk to her, Pablo, she misses you."
"I miss her too."
"Yes, I can see it."
The last time Pedri saw his friend like this, he had lost his parents.
It took a long time to assemble.
"She'll forgive you, just give her time and pull yourself together."
Gavi barely smiled.

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