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For the everybody's birthday boy

Estella are you here?"
When Pablo finally got out of bed, he paced the room, but Estella was not there.
When he called her, he realized that the phone was in the room.
A few minutes later, when the door to the room opened, Pablo frowned at her.
"Where were you?"
"I walked a little."
Estella nodded and grabbed her phone from the table across the bed and lay down next to Pablo.
"So what are we doing today?"
"I don't know. Let's go to the pool, shall we? Or to the sea?"
"Yes, maybe."
Pablo frowned at the date that caught his eye as he scrolled through his phone.
August 5th.
Today was his birthday.
He turned his gaze to Estella and saw that she was busy with her phone.
He put his face in the crook of her neck.
Estella smiled and started stroking the boy's hair.
"Shall we go down to breakfast?"
"Of course."
When Gavi got up and changed, they went down to breakfast.

When Pablo came out of the water, he looked at his lover, who was lying on the chaise longue.
Didn't she remember his birthday?
Not only that, he had received a few sporadic messages all day.
There were no messages from family or close friends.
Did everyone just forget?
She was smiling on his phone when he looked back at Estella.
She hardly ever smiled at him today.
He dived back into the water and swam for a while.
Estella watched her lover for a long time and sighed.
"I feel bad."
"Just try to pass the time like it's a normal day."
"Do you know how he looks at me?"
"Yeah, he probably thinks you're leaving."
"I will kill you."
"It was your idea."
"I didn't think it would make it this hard. Every time I talk to him, he's in anticipation."
"You're the weirdest couple I've ever seen."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Just wanted to say. Anyway, I have to close, we arrived at the hotel."
"Thanks God."

"Shall we sit over there?"
Pablo glanced around the table.
Why did he choose the big table for 10 people?
Must have for the view.
Which if he thinks the other view tables are full.
He nodded and they sat facing each other.
"What shall we eat?"
Pablo asked for the menu and ordered himself a hamburger.
They waited in silence when Estella asked for the same.

"Shall I get up?"
As Pablo was about to rise, Estella stopped him by holding his hands.
"Can we stay a little longer?"
Pablo just nodded and sat down.

"Sir, do you have any other requests?"
Pablo frowned as he looked up at the man across from him.
Pablo turned to Estella as she giggled, but turned away at other voices.
He was stunned when he saw his older sister with a cake in her hand.
"Feliz cumpleanos Pablo."
Pablo smiled with tears in his eyes as he looked at his lover behind him.
"Come on blow it."
He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them and blew out the candles.
He turned to Estella after taking turns giving hugs to his family and friends.
"Thank you."
Estella stroked his hair as the two hugged.
"I love you, and happy birthday."
"I love you too."
"Let's eat this cake."
At Pedri's voice, they both laughed and left.

"I'm sorry if I upset you today, Pablo, I didn't know how to act."
"It's okay, you've finally made me really happy."
"At least you don't do it in public, okay?"
The others laughed as Pedri spoke while looking at his sister, who was sitting on her boyfriend's lap.
"Why did you call this?"
Estella's lips cut her off as Pablo complained.

I'm going to interrupt the story for a while because I'm starting to not think it's worth it. There are no votes, comments or anything, and that completely distracts me from the idea of ​​writing.
I've written other edits on Wattpad before, but there was always more interaction. Maybe the problem is me.
Just take care of yourself.

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