Ocho | Recuerdos

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"Rock, paper, scissors - again. Rock, paper, scissors - again. Rock, paper, scissors - again..."
Estella had returned home while Pedri and Gavi were trying to decide who would take Barcelona.
She went into her room and changed her clothes and went downstairs.
When Pedri went downstairs to get a drink, he saw his sister.
"Hey, when did you come? I didn't hear your voice."
"Not much."
He hummed.
"Are you okay? You look pale."
"I'm fine, just a little tired."
"Pedro, if you don't come a little more, Barça- Are you okay? You look pale."
"I said the same."
"And I just said I was a little tired."
She left the two of them there and went upstairs.
She went into his room, closed the door, and got under the covers.
She wasn't feeling well, she had been feeling like her soul was being sucked for the past few days and she couldn't do anything.
Startled by the sound, she turned around and got up from his bed when she saw her brother.
Pedri sat next to her and stroked her hair.
"Are you okay? Do you want to talk?"
"I'm fine Pedro, go back to your friend."
"He's worried about you too."
"Yeah I know, I just want to sleep."
"Well, whatever you want. I love you, Ella."
"Me too, Pep."
She used to call him Pep when she was a little kid and had just learned to speak.
After Pedri hugged her brother, he left her room and let her sleep.

"I can go if there is a special occasion."
"No, actually I don't know what it is. I'm worried about her."
"Yeah, she wasn't looking good."
"When she has a problem, she doesn't like to talk about it."
"From where?"
Gavi knew there was a reason behind these things about her, and he wanted to know that reason.
"I remember her very clearly before she got to the middle end. Talkative, witty, self-confident... she never held himself back from anything. She was always assertive. And she fell in love, he was her first love. His name was Alec. He wasn't a bad boy, but he wasn't a good guy either. It started in 7th grade, but it continued in senior year. Yes, they were close, but Alec didn't like her. She was really happy."
Pedri sighed.
"One day, I think it was Tuesday, friends came home from school. Although they did this often, most of the girls insisted that I join them that day. And I told them I had a job. They kept insisting. Eventually they gave up on it and started hanging out. They usually stayed up late at night, but they were all gone in less than an hour that day. They had a fight. She never spoke to them again. I felt so guilty anyway."
Gavi's hand was on his chin as he listened intently.
"Months later she brought someone home again. There was Alec among them. It was obvious that they were dating. I didn't interfere with them, Ella knew what she was up to. But I wish I'd mixed in. He didn't stay out of the house from time to time. I used to chat with them from time to time. He seemed like a nice person.
And when I came back from one of the Barça camps, it was not difficult to understand that something had changed. She didn't talk to anyone in the house. She didn't even come to me when I arrived, and she was in his room all day. When I asked my mom, they said it's been like this for a while. I tried a lot to talk to her, but she didn't want to. Months later I finally found out that Alec was using her to get close to me."
Their eyes met for a few seconds as Pedri entered the room.
Ella didn't look at her brother again as she patted one of her pulled legs.
"Can I come?"
Pedri sat on the bed when Ella slid slightly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that."
When Ella looked at her older brother, she saw the sadness on his face.
"It's not your fault, it's mine."
She rested her head on her brother's shoulder.
"I'm an idiot."
"No, belleza, she was stupid."
"I trusted everybody, Pedro, everybody. And now I feel all alone."
"You are never alone, we are here for you."
"I know thank you."
Pedri could see the disappointment on his sister's face.
The blow she received by many of his friends had affected her deeply.
She hadn't spoken to anyone for months, hadn't gone to school.
Fortunately, she wasn't in the classroom.
"I saw the way she looked at you, Pablo. Please don't hurt her."
What he didn't know as Pedri went upstairs was that Pablo would break her head rather than break him.
When Pablo quietly went upstairs and entered her room, she saw that she was asleep.
He carefully sat next to her and began to stroke her hair.
The peaceful moments he spent were like seconds to him, then he turned to the girl with the voice he heard.
"Did I wake you up?"
While Estella doubted what she meant to say, she finally found the courage to wrap his arms around the boy sitting next to her and lay her head on it.
Gavi slid down to lie on the bed before wrapping his arms around her.
"To you too."

Pedri smiled at the sight he saw when he opened the door of the room.
Estella rested her head on Pablo's chest while Pablo buried his head in her neck and his arms were completely wrapped around each other.
"You know, one day you will find the right person and he will love you with his life."
"Yeah, he'll probably be your best friend or something."
"Because you're with the right people, unlike me."
Pedri put the blanket over them and smiled at his sister.
She had found the right person.

Please let me know if I'm wrong and don't forget to vote:)

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