Dos | Alimento

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"Hurry up, Gavira, we're hungry."
Gavi squinted at him as Pedri spoke again to provoke Gavi.
"You wish you didn't want steak."
"But we should celebrate my sister's return here."
"I'm sure I would have prepared it better if we celebrated it tomorrow."
Estella had been watching Gavi since she arrived.
He was sweet, charming, had a nice style, was fun and gave a good energy to the people.
Pedri cared for him.
Her brother's happiness made her happy too.
Estella rose from her chair.
"Is there anything that i can help with?"
When the three of them had prepared the meal together, Pedri ran to the table and waited for Gavi to serve the meal.
"What would you like to drink?"
Estella brought the plates behind his while Gavi came with the tray.
Pedri set the plates down as Estella set the plates down.
After Gavi put the meat in, Pedri filled his plate with appetizers and started to eat.
"I wish you had waited."
Pedri rolled his eyes when Gavi was told.

During the entire meal, Pedri talked about his memories with Gavi and Estella.

While watching a movie in the living room, Estella said she was going to sleep.
Pedri showed him to her room after telling her he had an early morning workout.
"What do you think of Gavi?"
Estella frowned.
"So if you're uncomfortable with him being here-"
"No, it's okay."
"Well, good night belle."
"To you too."
After the two of them hugged, Pedri looked at his sister again.
"I'm glad you're here."
"Me too."
"Would I be selfish if I asked you to live here with me?"
"Please think."
"Pedro if-"
"Don't interrupt me. I'll consider it if it's okay with you. Because I had my school transferred here."
"What? Really?"
Pedri wrapped his arms around his sister happily.
"This is the perfect bien hecho, hermana."

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