Diecinueve | Vuelo

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"Aurora! Can you buy me a Madrid ticket to the nearest time!?"
"You're leaving!? Oh thank God."
Gavi brushed his teeth in his shorts and shaved carefully.
"I bought it for 2 hours later, I texted you."
Pablo hugged his sister.
"I love you Pablito."
"I love you too, but don't call me Pablito."
"But you don't get mad when I say Marls."
"Where is she really?"
"Out with Javi."
Pablo nodded and got out of the bathroom and changed.
He looked at himself in the mirror.
There was quite a difference between him and Pablo a few hours ago.
But his face was still depressed.
Of course he was a little weak.
He sighed.
He took his backpack and went downstairs, leaving the bag by the door, and went to the kitchen.
After he ate his meal, he left.

"I saw her, Ella, she had collapsed. Aurora said she didn't shower, eat, or train. She only came out of her room a week later when I arrived."
Estella remained silent.
She missed Pablo.
She wanted to hug him.
"She was weak, she seemed to have lost her vitality."
"He caused this, Pedro."
"My baby..."
Estella sighed.
"I'm closing."

"Get up and take a shower."
Estella stared in surprise as André suddenly burst into the room, learning of Gavi's arrival.
Gabriel jumped after him.
"Yeah, maybe a little facial."
"Of course!"
Estella stared in surprise as the two spoke excitedly.
"What did you drink?"
"You just have to start taking care of yourself."
"This is how you stay at home."
Estella still stared in surprise as Gabriel elbowed André.
"What are you sitting still? Go take a good shower and wake up."
Estella sighed as the two pulled Estella by the arms.

She got dressed after she got out of the shower, shedding a few tears.
"Why did it take so long?"
"I'm sorry..."
She turned her head as tears flowed.
André wrapped his arms around her.
"You'll be fine, everything will be alright."
"I know, I know, but when I think of he..."
"He loves you Estella, everybody knows that."
"But also-"
"It was just a mistake, he'll make up for it, now go blow dry your hair and make a mask."
"I won't blow dry my hair."
"No you will."
Estella rolled her eyes and went back to the bathroom.

After washing off her mask, she dried her face and left.
Lying on the bed, she felt the peace of taking a nap for a few minutes.
Until there was a hard knock on the door.
"Are you still in the bathroom?"
"No, and leave my door alone."
He closed his eyes again at the sound of distant footsteps.

"Come on, eat something."
"I don't want."
"What do I mean!? You're already skin and bones! Do you want Pedri to kill us?"
Estella pulled the duvet over her head as she tumbled to the other side of the bed.
Until he was grabbed by the legs and pulled.

While Estella was barely eating, André and Gabriel were sitting across from him doing deer and did not understand Estella.
"Hey, we call you."
"Oh, it's head blown."
Estella rolled her eyes and returned to playing with her food.

Estella frowned as André threw corn on Estella.
"You send it to the one next to you."
"He can sleep, but you, you can't."
"Vete a la mierda."
"What a shame Ella."

When the doorbell rang, André poked Gabriel, and they both stood up.
"We're going to bed."
"Look at the door."
"You look."
Estella cursed and stopped the television and stood up.
When She opened the door, she found several roses.
When Roses moved aside, she saw Gavi, who was giving her puppy dog eyes.
"What are you doing here?"
"I miss you."
Estella did not answer.
She couldn't say 'I love you too' and hug him.
"Can we talk?"
They entered when Estella nodded slowly.
"I'm so sorry, I just- I just wanted you to come on vacation with me, but I couldn't help but get jealous when you went to see them."
"I expected you to invite me, if you had I would have come with you. And when I found out that Fernando was coming, I had to go somewhere."
"Aren't you talking to Fer?"
Estella nodded.
"I didn't think you needed the invitation, sorry."
They stopped staring for a while and sat in silence.
"How would you like to continue your vacation with me to San Sebastian?"
"San Sebastian? Weren't you in Ibiza?"
"I've been in Barcelona for a while."
Since they took a break.
"Yeah, I think it might be fine."

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